» » Carter's Wish (2003)

Carter's Wish (2003) Online

Carter's Wish (2003) Online
Original Title :
Carteru0027s Wish
Genre :
Movie / Adventure / Comedy / Family / Fantasy / Short
Year :
Directror :
Kevin Shahinian
Cast :
Adam Cagley,Bobby Harwell,Anoush NeVart
Writer :
Kevin Shahinian
Type :
Time :
Rating :
Carter's Wish (2003) Online

Adam Cagley stars as lovable Carter Bigelow, a 12-year-old outcast with one simple wish. But after a catastrophic mistake made by a slightly absentminded Genie, Carter finds himself among the often hysterical, always amazing chaos of a world where everyone's wishes are coming true at random, everyone's except his, a serendipitous disaster that can only be reversed by the boy himself.
Cast overview, first billed only:
Adam Cagley Adam Cagley - Carter Bigelow
Bobby Harwell Bobby Harwell - The Genie
Anoush NeVart Anoush NeVart - Ann Bigelow
Tierra Abbott Tierra Abbott - Alice Price
Dustin Ingram Dustin Ingram - Billy Wachowski
Hayley Shannon Hayley Shannon - Kelsey Jacobson
Ian Green Ian Green - Brad King
Bob B. Hoover Bob B. Hoover - Mr. Horton (as Bob Hoover)
Anthony Ulrich Anthony Ulrich - Nick Lovich
Hector A. Garcia Hector A. Garcia - Teddy Cruz (as Hector Garcia)
Lynnette Gaza Lynnette Gaza - Ms. Sullivan
Chad Newsom Chad Newsom - Jeffrey Thompson
Jeremy Herider Jeremy Herider - Baseball Player
Erik Virgil Erik Virgil - Benjamin Feldman
James Fong James Fong - Motorcycle Boy

User reviews



With an original spin on the disaster genre, this short cleverly manages to create a seemingly wonderful, magical mishap - a comedic romp in which a Genie's mistake causes everyone in the world's wishes to come true at random - while skillfully juggling such a scenario's dire consequences and exploring the complexity of subconscious human desire. Instead of offering the typical deadly tornado or approaching asteroid, `Carter's Wish' offers viewers the paradox of a blissful catastrophe, in which an inept 12-year-old boy must save us all from our very own wishes, dreams, and deepest desires, materializing before our very eyes. The Genie's charm made up for a few sagging performances, but overall, this short film was very well done.