A pretty girl is the ward of an old man who is extremely solicitous as to her welfare, and takes it upon himself to interfere in her love affairs and keep a close watch over her lest she ... See full summary
The Guilty Guardian (1909) Online

A pretty girl is the ward of an old man who is extremely solicitous as to her welfare, and takes it upon himself to interfere in her love affairs and keep a close watch over her lest she should marry beneath her. The old man's secretary is in love with the maiden, and when the old guardian sees them together, he becomes so infuriated that he cruelly remonstrates with the girl. The latter, having a will of her own, goes to her room and writes to her lover, telling him of the unpleasant interview with her guardian, and asking him to demand her hand, and if it is refused, they will elope. The youth goes to the old man and states his case, but meets with a cruel rebuff, so returns to his home determined to have the girl at any risk. He writes to the maiden, telling her to steal out at a certain time and meet him, and when the appointed hour comes, the youth is there and soon the girl joins him. The old man, expecting this, is keeping a close watch, and when he sees the pair meet, he ...
Original French title is undetermined.
Released in the US as a split reel along with L'homme-singe (1909).