A cripple girl, employed in an office, becomes more than ever painfully conscious of her affliction when lunch time comes round and she cannot join the others in their hour of merriment. A ... See full summary
The Cripple (1911) Online

A cripple girl, employed in an office, becomes more than ever painfully conscious of her affliction when lunch time comes round and she cannot join the others in their hour of merriment. A young clerk, however, has noticed her sadness, and stays to talk to her, as a result of which lie is led to declare that he loves her. The other clerks return, and surprise the love scene, which amuses them intensely. Presently they discover a letter, which the cripple girl's lover has left on his desk, written by his sister, and telling him to meet her at a certain hour that evening. They see the means herein for a practical joke, and accordingly write an anonymous note to the cripple, telling her that the man she loves is only flirting with her, and that if she wants proof, she is to follow him that night and witness his infidelity. The ill-natured plot succeeds in so far that the crippled girl is made miserable, and is led to confront her lover with angry recriminations when he kisses his sister....
Released in the US as a split reel along with the comedy Patouillard et sa vache (1911).
Original French title is undetermined.