An unfortunate fellow, who has the ill luck to be the possessor of a very sore carbuncle on a part of his graceful anatomy that causes him the inconvenience of eating his meals off the ... See full summary
Un furoncle embarrassant (1908) Online

An unfortunate fellow, who has the ill luck to be the possessor of a very sore carbuncle on a part of his graceful anatomy that causes him the inconvenience of eating his meals off the mantel shelf, starts out to see a doctor in the hope of obtaining relief. As he is limping down the street, a little girl rolling a hoop collides with him and gives him a terrible shock, which so enrages him that he raises his cane to strike the child, but she darts away. Next he is knocked down by a man on a bicycle and rolled all over the street and nearly collapses from the pain. He hails a cab and has his own troubles climbing in, and in trying to get himself comfortable, and still protect the tender spot by not sitting down, he gets on his knees and has his feet up on the cabby's seat. The latter will not stand for this and orders the fellow to get out, and when he refuses, he is dragged out and given more pain. Next he meets a lady friend and she tries to insist upon him sitting on a bench in the ...