Zou-Zou is an intelligent French poodle, the pet and companion of a rich old bachelor who is the possessor of a large fortune but who is without kin to inherit it after his death. One day ... See full summary
Zou-Zou the Lucky Dog (1909) Online

Zou-Zou is an intelligent French poodle, the pet and companion of a rich old bachelor who is the possessor of a large fortune but who is without kin to inherit it after his death. One day he makes his will, in which he leaves all his money to the person who will take his dog and care for him after his death. He then puts the missive into the pocket in the dog's collar. One day the unfortunate man is stricken and dies suddenly, and immediately the poor animal is turned out of the place without a friend to care for him. The dog wanders around the streets until he is spied by a little urchin who is returning from market with his poor old mother. The little fellow is so attracted by the animal that he pleads with his mother to allow him to take him home, and the kind-hearted woman finally consents, but is compelled to smuggle the dog into her apartments, as the laws of the house forbid the tenants keeping animals. One day the little fellow takes the dog out and. stopping to play a game of...
Original French title is undetermined.
Released in the US as a split reel along with La dinde du Mardi-Gras (1909).