» » The Spirit of 76 (2016)

The Spirit of 76 (2016) Online

The Spirit of 76 (2016) Online
Original Title :
The Spirit of 76
Genre :
Movie / Short / Drama / History
Year :
Directror :
Jerry Jerome
Cast :
Dwight Turner,Skip Pipo,Gerard Salim
Writer :
Jerry Jerome
Type :
Time :
Rating :
The Spirit of 76 (2016) Online

The year is 1976 Gerald Ford and Ronald Reagan are locked in a heated political battle. Chief of Staff Dick Cheney is tasked with introducing Stuart Spencer, the man who helped Reagan get elected Governor of California, to President Ford.
Complete credited cast:
Dwight Turner Dwight Turner - Stuart Spencer
Skip Pipo Skip Pipo - Gerald Ford
Gerard Salim Gerard Salim - Dick Cheney
Carrie Bernans Carrie Bernans - Bartender
Daniel Mutis Daniel Mutis - Jack Chambers
Nicole Gabriella Scipione Nicole Gabriella Scipione - Jill
Michael Proud Michael Proud - Clark Johnson
James Chilli Chillingworth James Chilli Chillingworth - Francis Gleason