» » Timeless The Day Reagan Was Shot (2016–2018)

Timeless The Day Reagan Was Shot (2016–2018) Online

Timeless The Day Reagan Was Shot (2016–2018) Online
Original Title :
The Day Reagan Was Shot
Genre :
TV Episode / Action / Adventure / Drama / Sci-Fi
Year :
Directror :
Alex Kalymnios
Cast :
Abigail Spencer,Matt Lanter,Malcolm Barrett
Writer :
Eric Kripke,Shawn Ryan
Type :
TV Episode
Time :
Rating :
Timeless The Day Reagan Was Shot (2016–2018) Online

The Time Team travels back to 1981 Washington D.C. on the day President Reagan was shot, only to discover that the Sleeper's target isn't the President - but a young rookie police officer - none other than Agent Christopher, who brought the time team together and kept the Lifeboat from getting into Rittenhouse's hands. The Time Team must save Agent Christopher's life and prevent her from making a mistake that set her on a different path that would forever change her own future, the future of the team -- and the future of the world.
Episode cast overview, first billed only:
Abigail Spencer Abigail Spencer - Lucy Preston
Matt Lanter Matt Lanter - Wyatt Logan
Malcolm Barrett Malcolm Barrett - Rufus Carlin
Paterson Joseph Paterson Joseph - Connor Mason
Sakina Jaffrey Sakina Jaffrey - Denise Christopher
Claudia Doumit Claudia Doumit - Jiya
Goran Visnjic Goran Visnjic - Garcia Flynn
Tonya Glanz Tonya Glanz - Jessica
Karen David Karen David - Dhriti Sirivastava / Young Denise Christopher
Pooja Batra Pooja Batra - Ananya Sirivastava
Matthew Alan Matthew Alan - Owen, Sleeper Agent
Erik Stocklin Erik Stocklin - John Warnock Hinckley Jr.
Clint Culp Clint Culp - Officer Thomas K. Delahanty
McKenna Roberts McKenna Roberts - Olivia
Michael Garza Michael Garza - Mark

The Brady bill that Lucy mentions, named for James Brady, Ronald Reagan's press secretary, was an Act of Congress that mandated federal background checks on gun purchasers and imposed a five-day waiting period, until the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) was implemented in 1998. The bill was first introduced into the House of Representatives by Chuck Schumer in 1991, but was never brought to a vote; Schumer re-introduced it in February 1993, it was signed into law by President Clinton that November, and went into effect in February 1994. Since NICS's implementation, more than 200 million Brady background checks have been conducted.

The young Denise Christopher twice says that her mother "sure can cook." The real-life mother of Sakina Jaffrey, who portrays the older Denise Christopher, is Madhur Jaffrey, the actress and writer whose cookbooks helped popularize Indian cuisine in the Americas.

Alexander Haig, President Reagan's Secretary of State, was famous for saying "I'm in control" when asked by a member of the press pool while Reagan was lying in the hospital. What was meant to provide reassurance to the nation while the country was suffering from a crisis of leadership was misconstrued as an act of sedition.

An amusing irony about the attempted assassination of Reagan is that, while he survived, he was injured by a bullet that ricocheted off one of the bulletproof limousines in his motorcade, one of the numerous measures in place intended for his protection.

While explaining changing history to Denise, Abby uses the choice of turning left or right as an example of where history can change. "Turn Left" was a 4th season installment of Doctor Who in which Donna Noble was made to turn right at an intersection when the original history had her turning left. The consequences cascading from this change led to the thermonuclear destruction of London and the collapse of the British economy, as well as numerous unchecked extraterrestrial invasions. History was restored when Donna was sent into her own past and succeeded in causing herself to turn left after all.

Cagney & Lacey (1981) was a show that centered on two female detectives of the New York Police Department.

Change to real history: due to the team's actions, John Hinckley Jr. escaped from the Reagan shooting scene.

User reviews



I see people losing it because the episode focuses on the character of Denise. Sure, "The Day Regan Was Shot" suggests that he would be the focus of the episode. But, Regan wasn't the only important person on earth that day. As they clearly refer to, Denise is Rittenhouse's enemy number 1 since she created the team against them. What better time to take her out than at a political assassination attempt she was at and then they could blame John Hinkley and all of their work would be successful. The important character here was Denise, not Regan. It just happened to be set on the same day.

As for having to explain gay people to your kids, it's pretty easy. Some people are different and love someone much like them. Believe it or not, kids will just say, "Okay" and keep doing what they were doing.


What Timeless has done so well this season, in particular focusing on underrepresented historical figures of women and people of color, was even better in The Day Reagan Was Shot. This episode focused on Agent Denise Christopher, played in the present timeline by Sakina Jeffrey, and in the past by Karen David. Christopher is of Indian descent and has a wife and two children. Her backstory was brilliantly told, while not falling into typical TV writing about LGBT characters. The writers have done a wonderful job telling important stories this season! I just wish we had more than the 2 hour season finale left.


I am a fan of this show and have enjoyed some high quality episodes in the 'past'.

However I feel this has been the weakest episode in the show's history. The strength of the show is the great historic events the team travel to and the internal conflicts they face. Lucy, Wyatt and Rufus are very likeable trio who are interesting and fun to watch. Even Jiya and sometimes Connor hit a few home runs but they and agent Christopher are sideline characters. It's fine to have them come along for the ride but the episode should be about history and the beloved trio. They did this right with Connor coming along for the ride with the blues singer episode but it was not all about Connor. I can see the need to involve the sideliners more but the mistake was to make the episode all about the agent and history took a back seat. It should have been more about the historic event. This is where the show shines.

Not a great episode and kind of weak for such a great show.



Just like so many recent series that have so much potential but losing it, this one is losing me.

I have the series rated "7", but might reduce it after this vapid episode.

I'm imagining the writers agreeing on a social agenda issue, then writing the script around that. That's all this episode was, nothing to do with the main plot.

Hollywood writers - can you give us a break, already?! Every day, almost every Hollywood series!

---> Just give us entertainment without your social messages! <---
Skunk Black

Skunk Black

Some things just hurt. Bullet in body of not that young president (regardless from how good president he was) body hurt fur sure. But writers did not care about it, title is actually just a bait. Episode was about something else. Basically some kind of self defense. I guess it's easier to go on scene in last minute, instead let's say half hour earlier - sure, where would be action then. So, we seen some really forced making of influence. We seen some commercial too, of unpaid type. Or maybe someone pays such ones ? And so on ... until predictable, lame ending. Episode was just pointless. Nothing from history here, except title. So, I was dreaming about what they could take as theme instead. McCarthy era ? Suppression of free speech ? Changes in negative direction on some Internet portal ? Censorship what deletes clearly not narcotic-pro writings, violence-pro ... Yes, it hurts a lot when you realize that 'Rittenhaus' is now everywhere, and what matters is not idea, but power (money) behind it. Time machineless.