» » A Tale of Two Kingdoms (2007)

A Tale of Two Kingdoms (2007) Online

A Tale of Two Kingdoms (2007) Online
Original Title :
A Tale of Two Kingdoms
Genre :
Video Game / Adventure / Fantasy
Year :
Writer :
Pieter Simoons
Type :
Video Game
Rating :

Maeldun Whiteblade and his company of mercenaries are called to aid by an old enemy, King Vortigern, to defend against a goblin invasion. However, shortly after the welcome dinner, ... See full summary

A Tale of Two Kingdoms (2007) Online

Maeldun Whiteblade and his company of mercenaries are called to aid by an old enemy, King Vortigern, to defend against a goblin invasion. However, shortly after the welcome dinner, Vortigern is murdered, and the blame is cast on Maeldun. After escaping from imprisonment in the castle, he has to clear his name while dealing with the goblin invasion, and seeking aid from the mysterious faeries of Thierna Na Oge.