» » Castles: Britain's Fortified History Instruments of Invasion (2014)

Castles: Britain's Fortified History Instruments of Invasion (2014) Online

Castles: Britain's Fortified History Instruments of Invasion (2014) Online
Original Title :
Instruments of Invasion
Genre :
TV Episode / Documentary
Year :
Directror :
Ben Southwell
Type :
TV Episode
Rating :

Sam Willis looks at the history of the castle from its first appearance with the Normans in 1066 to the longest siege on English soil at Kenilworth Castle 200 years later. The castle ... See full summary

Castles: Britain's Fortified History Instruments of Invasion (2014) Online

Sam Willis looks at the history of the castle from its first appearance with the Normans in 1066 to the longest siege on English soil at Kenilworth Castle 200 years later. The castle arrived as an instrument of invasion, but soon became a weapon with which unruly barons challenged the crown. Tingtagel Castle, the place King Arthur is said to have been conceived, is also on the itinerary. It remains one of the most evocative of castles to this day, drawing visitors from around the world with its tales of myth and legend.
Episode credited cast:
Sam Willis Sam Willis - Himself - Presenter (as Dr. Sam Willis)