» » Janitor: First Blood (2016)

Janitor: First Blood (2016) Online

Janitor: First Blood (2016) Online
Original Title :
Janitor: First Blood
Genre :
Movie / Short / Comedy
Year :
Directror :
Braden Swope
Cast :
Jared Gilstrap,Keith Giles,Troy Bogert
Writer :
Ethan Hammock
Budget :
Type :
Time :
Rating :
Janitor: First Blood (2016) Online

A fifth-generation high school janitor is confronted with a horde of evil zombies and must gather the courage to defeat the oncoming threat.
Cast overview:
Jared Gilstrap Jared Gilstrap - Bob the Janitor
Keith Giles Keith Giles - Principal Bernard
Troy Bogert Troy Bogert - Mr. Sheldon
Bruce Carter Bruce Carter - The Ghost of Bob IV