» » Jenks and the Janitor (1914)

Jenks and the Janitor (1914) Online

Jenks and the Janitor (1914) Online
Original Title :
Jenks and the Janitor
Genre :
Movie / Short / Comedy
Year :
Directror :
Charles M. Seay
Cast :
Dan Mason,Edward O'Connor,Helen Strickland
Writer :
J. Edward Hungerford
Type :
Rating :
Jenks and the Janitor (1914) Online

Cast overview:
Dan Mason Dan Mason - Mike - the Janitor
Edward O'Connor Edward O'Connor - Mr. Jenks
Helen Strickland Helen Strickland - Mrs. Jenks
May Abbey May Abbey - Maggie - the Hired Girl

Released as a split reel along with the comedy Buster Brown Picks Out the Costumes (1914).