After being evicted from their ancestral homes in 1991, the Batwa of Southwestern Uganda struggle to preserve their culture in a modernizing society.
Forest Keepers (2013) Online

For thousands of years, an indigenous group of hunter-gatherers, known as the Batwa, lived in the rain forest region of Southwestern Uganda. In 1991, the Batwa were forcefully removed from their ancestral home when the government declared the area a national park for the conservation of the region's endangered mountain gorillas. Forest Keepers follows the Kabwana family, three generations of Batwa, as they struggle to preserve their culture in an increasingly modernizing society. Now with the help of the few remaining Batwa elders, Eliphaz Kabwana works to pass on their knowledge to the future generation of Batwa children, through "The Batwa Experience", a living recreation of the Batwa traditions.