When bell rang signing class dismissal, everything immediately become chaotic Aon run with all his might while Jack and his 2 minions; Yong and Wan chase him around into the school yard. ... See full summary
Run on Run (2017) Online

When bell rang signing class dismissal, everything immediately become chaotic Aon run with all his might while Jack and his 2 minions; Yong and Wan chase him around into the school yard. They chased Aon around, gradually revealing the surrounding atmosphere of the school. In the school yard, athletes are practicing running and other activities. Aon run passed 'closing announcement' sign of a Call-out for school runners ... The whole situation was observed by the school's young female sports teacher. She timed Aon as he ran across the yard until out of the school gate; smiling as she jots down the time record into her file.