We open this picture in a quaint home of a young wood-cutter playing with his little daughter while his wife is busily engaged with her household duties when a knock is heard at the door ... See full summary
The Intruder (1909) Online

We open this picture in a quaint home of a young wood-cutter playing with his little daughter while his wife is busily engaged with her household duties when a knock is heard at the door and the father admits a stranger who asks for something to eat, which is cheerfully given him. While the good wife is preparing his food the stranger becomes fascinated with her beauty and so far forgets the hospitality extended him by his host, continues to cast loving glances at the wife and finally, while she is engaged in pouring out his coffee takes the liberty to grasp her hand, whereupon the wife resents his familiarity and pushes him from her, causing him to collide with her husband, who is so engrossed with his daughter that he has not noticed what has been going on behind his back. The stranger, to protect himself, apologizes for the seeming blunder on his part, begs leave to go, thanking all for the courtesy extended him, and while making his departure, continues his bold glances toward the...