The Woodsman (1910) Online

Everyone, except John Carter himself, knew that Ann Hunt, the young wife the gray-haired woodsman had taken unto himself, had married him merely for a home, and now that their bumble little cabin was getting to be an old story, Ann not only became careless about her household duties but her own appearance as well. Her interest in both suddenly revived, however, when her husband brought home a young stranger, whom he had rescued from a deserted shack. This shack, wherein the stranger had taken shelter from a storm and fallen asleep, so he declared, had been struck by a tree that the woodsman and his partner had been felling. Under the fatherly care of John Carter, who actually gave up his own bed and the better part of his meals to his new acquaintance, the stranger grew rapidly stronger and was soon able to be about. The young wife, however, would not hear of his departure. This stranger was to her the one bright spot in the universe and she meant to keep him by her side at any cost. ...
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