Dead Herring (2012) Online
In this harrowing thriller-dark comedy hybrid, six friends are called together under the guise of an emergency, only to find themselves at the center of an elaborate scheme concocted by a mysterious mastermind who threatens to kill them if they do not obey his instructions. Confined in an apartment by the threat of violence, the group quickly realizes that their captor knows all of their darkest secrets -- secrets they've had to keep from each other... until now. When an attempt to flee the apartment is thwarted by a knife-wielding maniac, the psychological tension mixes violently with this physical threat and the tightly-knit fabric of their relationship begins to fray.
Cast overview: | |||
Laura Stokes | - | Laura Stokes | |
Will Prescott | - | Will Prescott | |
Sarah Newswanger | - | Simone | |
M. Elizabeth Hughes | - | M. Elizabeth Hughes | |
Lisa Francesca Gallo | - | Lisa Francesca Gallo | |
Mike Danner | - | Mike Danner | |
Nathaniel Atcheson | - | Nathaniel Atcheson | |
Matthew Scott Hunter | - | Stuart | |
Brandon Muller | - | Frank | |
Jeaneen Tang | - | Woman in Hallway |