» » The Talisman Episode #1.5 (1980– )

The Talisman Episode #1.5 (1980– ) Online

The Talisman Episode #1.5 (1980– ) Online
Original Title :
Episode #1.5
Genre :
TV Episode / Adventure / Drama
Year :
Cast :
Peter Burroughs,Donald Burton,Stephan Chase
Type :
TV Episode
Time :
Rating :
The Talisman Episode #1.5 (1980– ) Online

Set to guard Richard's standard, Kenneth, the victim of a hoax, deserts his post and the standard is stolen. Condemned to death, he is saved by the intervention of El Hakim and taken as a slave to the Saracen camp.
Episode credited cast:
Peter Burroughs Peter Burroughs - Nectabanus
Donald Burton Donald Burton - Amaury
Stephan Chase Stephan Chase - Richard the Lionheart
Lynn Clayton Lynn Clayton - Edith
Peter Davidson Peter Davidson - Strachan
Lewis George Lewis George - Earl Wallenrode
Tacy Kneale Tacy Kneale - Florise
Andrew Lane Andrew Lane - Brother Hubert
Geoffrey Leesley Geoffrey Leesley - Guard sergeant
Jane Morant Jane Morant - Calista
Richard Morant Richard Morant - Montserrat
John Moreno John Moreno - Philip of France
Ahmed Osnatim Ahmed Osnatim - El Hakim
Joanne Pearce Joanne Pearce - Berengaria
Bunny Reed Bunny Reed - Executioner