A man who has been living with an Indian woman feels compelled to stay with her and their child rather than marrying his white sweetheart.
For the Squaw (1911) Online

Maxwell, a white man, lives alone in his little shack on the very outskirts of civilization. Near him lives an Indian with his wife and daughter. After a few months, Maxwell, tired of living alone, prevails upon the Indian, after a few bottles of whiskey, to give him his daughter for a wife. Three years pass by and Maxwell's home is now made merry with the laughter of a little child, when one day he receives a letter from his old sweetheart in the east telling him that she is leaving her home and is coming out to him. All the old love in his heart wells up at this letter and he decides to abandon his wife and child, who are only Indians after all. When he drives them out they naturally go back to the wigwam of her father and tell their story, and the old Indian, intent upon seeing his daughter righted, hastens to the railroad station in time to meet the "paleface" girl and tell her of Maxwell's love affair with his daughter. When Maxwell arrives with the clergyman, the eastern ...