» » Stingray A Christmas to Remember (1964–1965)

Stingray A Christmas to Remember (1964–1965) Online

Stingray A Christmas to Remember (1964–1965) Online
Original Title :
A Christmas to Remember
Genre :
TV Episode / Action / Adventure / Family / Sci-Fi
Year :
Directror :
Alan Pattillo
Cast :
Ray Barrett,Robert Easton,David Graham
Writer :
Dennis Spooner
Type :
TV Episode
Time :
Rating :
Stingray A Christmas to Remember (1964–1965) Online

Troy visits Barry, an orphan of a former commander of Marineville. After telling Barry stories of his adventures on Stingray, Troy invites the boy to spend Christmas at Marineville, and the holiday progresses Troy talks Commander Shore into allowing Barry to go on patrol with the Stingray crew. During the patrol a series of strange events occur that catapult Barry to the status of hero just like his father before him.
Episode cast overview:
Ray Barrett Ray Barrett - Commander Sam Shore / Sub-Lieutenant John Horatio Fisher (voice)
Robert Easton Robert Easton - Lieutenant George Lee 'Phones' Sheridan (voice)
David Graham David Graham - Alien / Shore's Drinking Buddy (voice)
Don Mason Don Mason - Captain Troy Tempest (voice)
Lois Maxwell Lois Maxwell - Lieutenant Atlanta Shore (voice)