» » ChuckleVision Chuck Bodgers (1987–2009)

ChuckleVision Chuck Bodgers (1987–2009) Online

ChuckleVision Chuck Bodgers (1987–2009) Online
Original Title :
Chuck Bodgers
Genre :
TV Episode / Comedy / Family
Year :
Directror :
Martin Hughes
Cast :
Paul Chuckle,Barry Chuckle,Simon Harvey
Writer :
John Sayle
Type :
TV Episode
Time :
Rating :
ChuckleVision Chuck Bodgers (1987–2009) Online

Having eaten a dodgy pizza the Chuckle Brothers and super-hero Troy Whizz are frozen in suspended animation for five hundred years, and when they wake up they find the Universe is at the mercy of Ping the Pitiless. With Troy out of action it is down to Paul and Barry to save everyone from the villainous designs of Ping.
Episode cast overview:
Paul Chuckle Paul Chuckle - Himself (as The Chuckle Brothers)
Barry Chuckle Barry Chuckle - Himself (as The Chuckle Brothers)
Simon Harvey Simon Harvey - Ping the Pitiless
Tilly Edwards Tilly Edwards - President Le Blanc
Barry Killerby Barry Killerby - Whizz