A little child leaves her grandparents and leads her goats to pasture. She meets a wandering artist, who wishes to paint her portrait. They repair to a mossy bank, where they sit for hours,... See full summary
The Little Goatherd (1911) Online

A little child leaves her grandparents and leads her goats to pasture. She meets a wandering artist, who wishes to paint her portrait. They repair to a mossy bank, where they sit for hours, the little girl amusing herself by watching the wonders of the woodland, whilst the artist deftly proceeds with his picture. Meanwhile, the goats have strayed into the field of a neighbor, who is angered by the damage they cause. He proceeds to the little goatherd's grandparents, and they then realize that their little grandchild is lost and start to search. Finally they part the branches of an o'erspreadlng tree, and, there, forgetful of all mundane things, sit the enraptured child and the artist. Peace is restored by the artist, who soon pays for the damage caused by the goats, and all ends peacefully and happily.
Released in the US as a split reel along with the comedy Patouillard et son ami (1911).
Original French title is undetermined.