A shipwreck occurs on the "Coral Reefs." By some miraculous chance, a babe was saved by some fishermen. The child, grown in womanhood, is the idol of the plain fisher folk. An American ... See full summary
The Girl of the Coral Reefs (1911) Online

A shipwreck occurs on the "Coral Reefs." By some miraculous chance, a babe was saved by some fishermen. The child, grown in womanhood, is the idol of the plain fisher folk. An American artist spies a beautiful girl pitching shells from the sea. He is struck with her beauty and asks her to pose for him; the girl, frightened at the sight of the stranger, flees to her adopted mother for protection. The artist follows and explains to the mother, who calms her daughter's nervous fears, and she consents to pose for the picture. A young fisherman, in love with the lass, perceives her posing for the artist. He hurls a stone upon the scene below, which strikes the artist upon the shoulders missing the head. He is carried to the girl's home, where he is nursed tenderly and in the course of a few weeks is able to prepare for his departure. He receives a telegram from his mother, who was notified of his accident and she soon arrives from the mainland. The girl is called and the lady recognizes ...