» » The Flash Seeing Red (2014– )

The Flash Seeing Red (2014– ) Online

The Flash Seeing Red (2014– ) Online
Original Title :
Seeing Red
Genre :
TV Episode / Action / Adventure / Drama / Sci-Fi
Year :
Directror :
Marcus Stokes
Cast :
Grant Gustin,Candice Patton,Danielle Panabaker
Writer :
Greg Berlanti,Andrew Kreisberg
Type :
TV Episode
Time :
Rating :
The Flash Seeing Red (2014– ) Online

During a battle with Cicada, Nora is severely injured. Due to Cicada's dampening powers Nora's speed healing isn't working, leaving Barry and Iris scared for their daughter's future. Upset about his injured child, The Flash is filled with rage and confronts Cicada in a brutal battle. Meanwhile, Killer Frost keeps interfering with Caitlin's work on the cure.
Episode cast overview, first billed only:
Grant Gustin Grant Gustin - Barry Allen / The Flash
Candice Patton Candice Patton - Iris West-Allen
Danielle Panabaker Danielle Panabaker - Caitlin Snow / Killer Frost
Carlos Valdes Carlos Valdes - Cisco Ramon (credit only)
Hartley Sawyer Hartley Sawyer - Ralph Dibny / Elongated Man
Danielle Nicolet Danielle Nicolet - Cecille Horton
Jessica Parker Kennedy Jessica Parker Kennedy - Nora West-Allen / XS
Chris Klein Chris Klein - Orlin Dwyer / Cicada
Tom Cavanagh Tom Cavanagh - Sherloque Wells
Jesse L. Martin Jesse L. Martin - Joe West (credit only)
Patrick Sabongui Patrick Sabongui - Captain David Singh
Britne Oldford Britne Oldford - Shawna Baez / Peek-a-Boo
Lossen Chambers Lossen Chambers - Dr. Vanessa Ambres
Rochelle Okoye Rochelle Okoye - Keisha Moore
Fabian Gujral Fabian Gujral - Pilot

Second time Carlos Valdes (Cisco) is absent from an episode from the Flash, the first was News Flash (2018), although a photo of him (as Vibe) appears near the end of the episode.

Nora is paralyzed after getting hit in the back by Cicada making her immobile from the waist down, similar to what happens to her father in Enter Zoom (2015) when Zoom paralyzes Barry and makes him immobile in a wheelchair in the episode, Gorilla Warfare (2015).

The 11th episode was originally titled "Spin Out". It is unknown whether "Spin Out" will be a future episode.

Officer Jones was hypnotized by meta-tech, a reference to Spencer Young in News Flash (2018).

Carl Bork says "You can't hurt Bork, but Bork can hurt you!" This is the exact line that Bork says on the cover of The Brave and the Bold #81, starring Batman and the Flash.

First physical appearance of Shawna Baez, aka Peek-A-Boo, since the season 4 premiere The Flash Reborn (2017).

First appearance of Copperhead.

Andre Tricoteux, who plays Carl Bork, was also the suit-actor of Savitar in season 3, and made several small appearances in episodes of the Arrowverse.

This episode is a role reversal of O Come Ye Thankful (2018), when Barry almost gets killed by Weather Witch in front of his daughter, in this episode it's Nora who is almost killed by Cicada in front of her father.

Carl Bork first appeared in Brave and the Bold series 1 #81, (December 1968) and was later re-introduced in JLA #61/2 (February 2002).

When Cicada hits Nora in the back, it's similar to what Bane does to Batman in the "Knightfall" comics and The Dark Knight Rises (2012).

Nora studied neuro-regeneration in fifth grade. Iris learned fractions.

This episode is titled exactly as the S2 episode of Arrow of the same name, in both instances, a loved one is killed/injured in each episode by getting stabbed through the back by the seasons antagonist; Olivers mother Moira getting killed by Slade, and Nora getting stabbed by Cicada except she survives, both heroes Oliver/Barry are on the ground watching helplessly as their loved one gets killed/injured.

User reviews



In a series that has suffered from uneven writing & ridiculous/implausible characters & motivations, this one is a standout for stupid plotting & dialogue. 'My daughter is hurt, and may not be able to heal at warp speed like usual...! What to do?'. 'Hey, this powerful metavillain is ALMOST restrained... You should put Killer Frost back in her cage so that Caitlin can make an astounding medical diagnosis that this injured woman should go to the hospital.' And my personal favorite: 'Oh look, the metavillain we've been trying to capture for months has just been knocked down. Let's leave Killer Frost struggling to neutralize his power-sucking dagger and turn our backs on him in order to have another father/daughter bonding moment. Cause there's NO chance that he'll wake up, seize his weapon & get away.' Seriously, what the hell were the writers sniffing during this one?


Of writing characters that are dumber than a brick. "Hey we've got that bad guy trapped, we need the only hero that still has powers to give them up because only she is a doctor that can say 'we need to get her to a hospital', conveniently giving that big bad ample time to escape and do damage. "We've temporarily de-powered the big bad, let's stop and stare are each other for a minute so he has time to escape".

Seriously, do they have to always reliably write their characters as brain injured just because they can't write well?


So the team has Cicada beat because Killer Frost can take him out so easily but instead of ending this dumb character(Cicada) and ending his run in the show they think it's a good idea to tell Killer Frost that they need Caitlyn because she's a doctor. She gives Cicada's intended victim a 2 second look and says we need to get her to the hospital... what a genius diagnosis.. thank god she was there to do that... maybe they should have just had Nora speed her to the hospital right away instead of sending Caitlyn over there to do nothing? Like what was she supposed to do anyways? She wouldn't be able to do any kind of medical treatment in the heat of battle in the first place and that's not even the worst part of it.. this was yet another obvious time that anyone could have simply walked up to Cicada and put the dampening cuffs on him. Boom bad guy defeated. But noooooooo, they need to let yet another easy opportunity to beat him slip right past them. And this happens twice in this episode and both times it happens in the dumbest ways possible. Flash even has his speed the second time so all he would have to do is take a millisecond to put the cuffs on Cicada and then he could have had his stupid father daughter moment. Cicada has been a dumb character from the get go. His fights suck. The actor, who I actually have liked in other roles, forgot how to act or something. He plays the part so terribly. His constant stupid facial expressions and the voice he uses whenever he talks even when he's not in the mask leaves me speechless how bad it is. They've spent half a season trying to catch a bad guy that should be 100 times easier to beat than almost every single of their one episode villians they've had in the show. Like the girl with the freaking weather stick should be way harder to beat than Cicada but for some reason the writers have a hard-on for Cicada and want him to keep making this show suck. Cicada is killing this show for me. Please get rid of him and get the season back on track with Thawne being the villain once again. I can't take anymore Cicada. Just seeing the character again will disappoint me because he is such a badly acted and terrible character. Sorry for the rant but for some reason I don't see people talking about how dumb Cicada is. It blows my mind that people actually like his character. How are you people rating this season and episodes so high? I very much look forward to watching every episode of this show and I am unbelievably biased towards rating this show a 10 even when it's not but this has been so bad that I can't give it higher than a 1. I wish I could give it a negative. Get your heads out of your butts and rate these episodes with correct ratings please!! And writers of the show, please get rid of Cicada


What are the rest of you watching. This episode was not terrible, but it was terribly written. Characters that are dumber than bricks. I could not agree more. Road blocks for helicopters...Cicada killing every meta he finds..but not Nora...why?...So... so many plot holes.....Ohh yeah...what was with the blood? at the start we see blood for the very first time when Cicada slashes someone...But we never see it again..what was with that?


More key plot points advance, we get to see an actual fight between The Flash and Cicada, some development with Killer Frost, Caitlin and Ralph. And the mystery that Sherloque is unraveling continues.

This was an okay episode, but I am getting tired of Cicada. He isn't a Big Bad, he feels like a weekly meta stretched into multiple episodes. His powers are pretty cool, and he is a physical threat, but that's about it. The actor isn't very good in the role nor does he make us emotionally attached to his character like we might've been with Thawne, or scared by Zoom and Savitar or intrigued by DeVoe. There isn't much special about him.

In fact, I believe this would've been the perfect episode (apart from the 100th) to finally beat Cicada. Barry has had multiple opportunities of locking him up after he is beat and on the ground, and we JUST learned that Killer Frost can even neutralize the dagger with her powers. Please get rid of him. It was interesting some time ago, but I would much rather have Thawne move in as the Big Bad in this season.

Apart from that, this was an episode with good action sequences. Not complaining on that front, and I like that Barry doesn't act like a complete idiot for once in a fight (except for when he let Cicada go). I really hope this season picks up, I liked the first half better than S4's but it still seems like a drop in quality (except for eps 1, 3, 8 and 9).

My rating: 7.8/10


Let me start by first saying this episode was far better than last weeks episode. But this episode was still pretty weak compared to the earlier episodes of the season. I feel like they switched writers after the mid season finale. I don't if it's just me but so far the back half of the season feels way different than the front half.

The good:
  • cicada vs flash fight (the one where Barry almost killed cicada. I thought this battle was awesome. I loved seeing barry more powerful than ever and about to kill the main villain. Too bad Nora stopped him)
  • sherloque investigating Nora (I love how sherloque keeps finding out more and more about Nora's secret every episode. And when we find out that her journal contains 2 different handwritings, one of the best parts of the episode.
  • the fact that this episode actually involved the flash (unlike last weeks)

The bad:
  • Nora stopping Barry from killing cicada (now this is probably an unpopular opinion but I fell like in that scene cicada should've been killed, which would then lead to the return of Reverse flash. But unfortunately we didn't get that result)
  • the first cicada vs flash fight (I felt this battle went by way too quick. I didn't feel any suspense unlike the other battles in the episode)
  • iris getting mad at sherloque for investigating nora (now this more of me hating on Iris and her terrible character than anything else. I mean cmon, her feeble attempts to scare sherloque were laughable)
  • killer frost and Caitlin relationship (now this wasn't bad but I just didnt care for this storyline)

This was a decent episode and I enjoyed it throughout, but it wasn't suspenful enough



Reminds me of one episode of Season 3. Though I wouldn't mention the episode as it will spoil the fun!

  • They are resting every main character in each episode, thus giving room to others to express themselves freely. .
  • The writers use nice vocabulary: I have learnt a new word in this episode- monocle. And the way it was used was very interesting - "Careful with your little monocle"
  • I loved to way how emotions change the color of the suit!

  • Cicada v. Flash - Still stagnant.
  • (No spoilers!) trying to scare Sherloque was totally unnecessary
  • The ending should have been more thrilling instead of being dramatic.

My ratings (based on what I marked on IMDb): Season 1: 200/23 = 8.69; Season 2: 193/23= 8.23; Season 3: 188/23= 8.17; Season 4: 146/23= 6.65 and Season 5= 77.5/11 = 7.05 (This episode = 7/10)


Suspension of belief is fine, letting the bad guy run away twice after capturing him is hilariously bad. I registered to rate this episode 1* it should be 0* worst episode of a super hero show I've ever seen.


...until I've slapped some power-dampening cuffs on this nearly-defeated villain who broke your back? No? Okay, hug first - after all, there are still 12 episodes to go, we'll recapture him later


I closed the episode when I watched the Iris scene. I've never seen such a bad character in my life. I don't even want to watch flash anymore. It's a superhero series, not a drama series. I'm just waiting for the iris to die or get out of the series.


Taking the title from one of Arrow's best all time episodes? Yeah, probably not the best start. Remember how the previous showed Nora holding onto her life after Cicada "paralyzed" her? Well, did anyone honestly think that was going to last? No, because it's the CW and they don't take risks anymore with their shows. It's one thing when Zoom did it to Barry in season 2, it's another thing to carbon copy that plot and place it into this week's episode. Nora's condition, perhaps unintentionally gave me deja vu because Barry was sidelined for the entire episode as he dealt with his own issues with his abilities. It's gone on for a long time, but there's clearly a lack of direction and creativity here. How long before I stop watching the show because it does the same thing year in and year out?



This episode had blood, emotion, KILLER FROST and Ultra Instinct Flash. Almost every EPISODE of season 4 and some episodes of season 5 were focused on someone else other than Barry Allen (Iris, Ralph and Nora) but this episode... This episode doesnt, and i hope it doesnt change.


While not perfect this episode was VERY good and deserves to be recgonized! It found solid ground in an area the show has always struggled in which is balance. Be it in plotlines, characters, or even action sequences. It gave well needed expansion to Caitlin and Killer Frost (both played by Danielle Panabaker) who has sorely needed it for two years now while still also keeping the episode's main focus on our hero Barry Allen/The Flash (Grant Gustin). And it had one of the best action sequences the show has seen in quite some time as Killer Frost and Flash tag team to take on the season's big bad in an epic fight that truly utilized their underused superpowers in ways we've never seen them before. All while balancing an equally well done rescue sequence with Ralph Dipny/Elongated Man (Hartley Sawyer). And sprinkled in with all of that was just enough of the Sherloque Wells (Tom Cavanaugh) investigates Nora West-Allen (Jessica Parker Kennedy) storyline to keep me interested where it may go next.

It had great emotional performances by Danielle Panabaker, who pulled heartstrings as she played both entities of Caitlin and Killer Frost with ease as the two struggled to communicate how much they meant to each other, and Jessica Parker Kennedy delievered a great moment of fear and devastation at her character's injury. Hartley Sawyer and Danielle Nicolet (Cecile Horton) also had great scenes as Ralph and Cecile tried to help Killer Frost and Barry (respectively).

Now saying all that, there was a few issues with this episode sadly most of them are surrounding the show's lead character and its villain. As the show has attempted to build up the season's big bad, Cicada (Chris Klein), it has failed in its building of urgency. This season Barry just doesn't seem to care about Cicada unless it directly impacts him, which not only is it very uncharacteristic of the selfless character they've built up for 5 seasons now but it also causes a lack of intimidation and worry on the audiences part. If our main hero doesn't care about Cicada, why should we? And also once again logic was forsaken for a "moment". I know, as does anyone else, they cannot defeat Cicada this early on BUT there is no need to make your main hero step away from your villain without securing him. He could always escape later but having The Flash just walk away from Cicada to hug Nora so he could get away was painful to watch and certainly ended that arc of the episode on a sour note as it made Barry look woefully stupid when we all know he's not. To make it worse, no one seemed to care the mass murderer got away. The uncaring attitude undercuts Cicada as a villain and Team Flash as heroes in ways that hold the show back. But the show has begun to fix a lot of its issues over the course this season and I hope this one is added to the list.

Overall I thoroughly enjoyed this episode and it was a great improvement from the past with moments that had me emotional or on the edge of my seat! I certainly hope for more like this in the future!


I liked that this episode finally granted both Killer Frost and Caitlin Snow some long overdue screentime and development while still focusing on Barry Allen. It was a very needed break from the Nora storyline, even though I highly disliked the fact he let the villain go for the sake of an emo moment. I wish we could return to those times where Barry was more worried about beating the villain than playing house.


The ways they let cicada get away when they already have him just to make this season last longer are just lame....come on you can do better!!


I dislike Nora and this storyline so much that I feel zero sympathy for her. Please go away. Cicadas voice is such a bad choice, sound like that women with the hole in throat in the anti-smoking commercials.


Flash: We need Kaitlyn Kaitlyn: We need to get her to the hospital


This was a good episode showing that the team are caring and doing their best by figuring out how to stop the meta killings also after seeing the flash rounding up all the random meta's on the list and seeing the flash standing over him was a good look. also liked when Barry got angry with what happened to Nora and when he was allowed to use his powers against cicada it was nice to see the true side of power the flash has and brute force and damage he can do to someone and nearly killing cicada was cool but could of just finished the job instead of letting him go. by doing this we can focus on the rest of the season with the reverse flash story because everyone likes speedsters/ RF




Finally! An episode of The Flash that genuinely kept me interesting throughout the entire running time. This episode brought serious combat, great humour, and concluded beautifully. The only other episodes to do this were "Nora" and "What's Past Is Prologue".


Holy moly are all of these characters brain dead :( Nora is almost as stupid and cliché of a character as Iris. Don't get me started on cicada, extremely bad actor for an even worse bad guy... come one. Season 1 and 2 were so good!!! The only reason I am still watching is for the Nora mystery...


'Seeing Red' is the Next Installment of Flash Season 5. Here we get to see a side of Barry, which we don't normally expect; Anger. After an incident with Cicada leaves a Member of Team Flash, close to Barry to get injured. Barry gets filled with Rage like we haven't seen before. The acting was really well done especially Grant's, whose anger could be felt from the screen and Iris wasn't as annoying as before, just like Felicity on Arrow. There was some Character Development which wasn't actually required but it's good to get. The Direction, Production, Writing and everything else was well done. The Story was really well done and it had a really nice Message for the viewers. The Ending wasn't extreme but it was something exciting. This Episode's Tone was more darker than usual, but not as dark as Season 3.

So Overall Its a Solid 10 and I hope it continues in the same direction.


Finally an episode that's actually about The Flash! The whole episode was really solid and it was interesting the whole time. Iris and Nora were annoying as usual but let's not talk about that.

Cicada is a really cool villain, and the scenes with him and Flash fighting was pretty good and seeing Flash angry was nice too.

Norlock surprisingly turned into a likeable character, so that's good! I never liked him in S4 and he was always just a stupid and unnecessary character, but when we got to know him even more he actually turned into an interesting and likeable character.

Sherloque was amazing this episode. I love that he's investigating Nora, and I really hope he proves to everyone that there is something really shady about her. I also really liked how Sherloque acted against Iris when she was mad at him for investigating Nora. Damn, Iris is so annoying sometimes.

Overall this was a solid episode that actually was about The Flash! Good storyline and they managed to keep it interesting the whole time, Killer Frost was good and it was nice to see how Caitlin and Killer Frost's relationship has become and them talking together was really nice. We had some good character development, and all the scenes with Cicada was good and I like that he's so aggressive. The fight between Flash and Cicada was good but I wish the fight lasted longer and more happened. I'm looking forward to the next episode, hoping it's at least as good as this episode, maybe even better!