» » The Flash The Trap (2014– )

The Flash The Trap (2014– ) Online

The Flash The Trap (2014– ) Online
Original Title :
The Trap
Genre :
TV Episode / Action / Adventure / Drama / Sci-Fi
Year :
Directror :
Steve Shill
Cast :
Grant Gustin,Candice Patton,Danielle Panabaker
Writer :
Greg Berlanti,Andrew Kreisberg
Type :
TV Episode
Time :
Rating :
The Flash The Trap (2014– ) Online

After discovering Dr. Wells' Time Vault (where Barry, Caitlin and Cisco meet Gideon), the group decides to tap into Cisco's dream state, wherein lies information from the alternate timeline. There Cisco hears Dr. Wells admit to killing Nora Allen. To get Henry Allen out of prison, they all need to hear that admission and decide to recreate conditions from the other timeline to get Wells to confess, which puts Cisco directly in harm's way. Meanwhile, Eddie makes a request of Joe, which Joe unexpectedly and flatly refuses.
Episode cast overview:
Grant Gustin Grant Gustin - Barry Allen / The Flash
Candice Patton Candice Patton - Iris West
Danielle Panabaker Danielle Panabaker - Caitlin Snow
Rick Cosnett Rick Cosnett - Detective Eddie Thawne
Carlos Valdes Carlos Valdes - Cisco Ramon
Tom Cavanagh Tom Cavanagh - Dr. Harrison Wells / Reverse-Flash
Jesse L. Martin Jesse L. Martin - Joe West
Patrick Sabongui Patrick Sabongui - Captain David Singh
Peter Bryant Peter Bryant - Fire Chief
Jessie Fraser Jessie Fraser - Nurse
Roger Haskett Roger Haskett - Doctor
Martin Novotny Martin Novotny - Hannibal Bates
Jeremy Schuetze Jeremy Schuetze - Rob

The future news article read by Barry and his team indicates that the fight between the Flash and the Reverse Flash is witnessed by the Atom, Hawkgirl, and "Starling City's Green Arrow."

The April 25, 2024 edition of the Central City Picture News mentions that Joe West is the Central City Police Chief.

The eye protection that Barry wears in S.T.A.R. Labs is the same eye gear that Captain Cold wears in the comics.

When Barry and the others find Wells' secret room, Gideon states that Barry is a founding member of an organization, but Barry interrupts. This was a nod to the Flash of DC Comics being a founding member of the superhero team Justice League of America.

This episode features flashbacks to when Barry was in a coma.

In the newspaper article from the future, one of the article headlines mentions a merger between Wayne Tech and Queen Inc. Queen Inc. is the company owned by Oliver Queen / the Green Arrow, and Wayne Tech is owned by Bruce Wayne / Batman.

Cisko mentions HAL. HAL is the ai from 2001 a space Odyssey.

The eye wear that Cisco puts on to enter his dream state are the same as the pair he wears in the comic books as Vibe.

When Cisco is discussing being protected from the Reverse Flash in the preparation of the trap, he states that Wells is going all Kali Ma on him. This is a reference to Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom when Mola Ram tries to extract Indiana Jones' heart.

In the newspaper from the future, you can see Iris is called "Iris west-Allen" meaning she is married to Barry in 2024. You also find out she was the one who wrote the article about the disappearance of the flash a.k.a Barry a.k.a her husband in future time

User reviews



"The Trap" is an episode that now focuses more on the Harrison Wells/Reverse Flash case and does this unimaginably well. It creates a great mix of tension and emotion and drives Harrison Wells character to the utmost and downright menacing in this episode than previous ones.

What I particularly liked about this episode is that it focused more between discovering the secrets of Harrison Wells and confronting Harrison Wells himself. There was no generic meta-human villain this time and we got a fully fledged episode ready to set up more to come in these last few episodes. Overall the acting of the whole cast is great, although sometimes overacting (especially for Grant Gustin), it still proved to be convincing and hooked me into the episode. The plot, like what I said, now focuses and leans more on the Reverse Flash case and the way these characters find out more and more secrets, it became more and more intriguing to watch the episode. I couldn't remember a single time I took off my eyes off the screen, this episode glued me to my seat. The buildup to the climactic sequence which is, you probably might've guessed it already, "The Trap" was brilliant and I liked the pacing because it suited the way the episode ran (pun intended). I also liked that we were given some knowledge of these secrets and are bombarded by some easter eggs that MIGHT be crucial in the future (ehem ehem Justice League) (hopefully). Now as for the Climax, this proved to be one of the best climaxes the show has ever made right up top beside the "Out of Time" episode. The climax had the right mixture of being thrilling and it's so intense that it gets your heart racing real fast (pun intended again). I also particularly liked the flashbacks in the episode, and surprisingly. I ALSO LIKED THE IRIS FLASHBACK. It was a notable and touching scene that I was glad that it was shown in the episode and finally after these many episodes a decent development for her character has been made. The episode also has some decent action, excellent visuals as usual and an amazing music score to accompany it with. As for the flaws, they're practically the usual, the on and off Iris relationship thing going on between him and Barry becomes present in the episode again, although was shadowed by the said flashback that I surprisingly liked.

Overall, well done episode, well done Flash team, you've made such a complex and engaging show that pleases both comic fans and casual audiences alike. Here's hoping that the next few remaining episodes don't lose their speed (pun intended for the last time). +With an episode that focuses more on Harrison Wells/Reverse Flash, +A Menacing Harrison Wells, +Good performances, +An Intense Climax, +An episode that glues you to your seat, +Surprisingly liked the Iris flashback, +Action/Visuals/Musical Score -Barry and iris on and off relationship? (That hopefully ends when season one ends as well)

Verdict: 9.8/10


We picked up exactly where we left off this week as Team Flash were investigating Gideon and Wells in their hope of finding out everything about the man they have trusted for so many months. The team played catch up with the audience as we basically know most of Well's scheme but they hadn't yet. I can now see why Barry is too stressed to even think of the troubles Oliver is going through, all of this heartbreaking information came at him at one time. I loved the tease of Flash being a founding member of the Justice League. The show-runners for both Flash and Arrow always give us great fan service. We then got a little Inception like with the lucid dreaming sequence. In fact Cisco referenced the film in yet another pop culture moment on the show. It was an interesting way to go about finding more about Wells, even if it was a little too easy to make. For times sake I guess they had to gloss over that a bit. But I also was confused as to why Cisco is the only person who is having the dreams/nightmares. Wouldn't Joe have them too at least? Throughout the episode we had hints about Wells' true feelings for the entire crew. I was glad to hear even when he was caught, he admitted that he has grown to love his team. Which is what I'm probably going to miss most about this season. It's very likely that we wont have Tom Cavanagh on the show next year, or at least not as a regular, and I feel that it will be a big gap in how well the show works. Knowing now that the team dynamic will forever be different was tough because of how great of a 20 episode run they have had. But I also don't want the writers to feel the need to write Cavanagh back in just for the sake of doing it. As long as it makes sense story wise, either way I will be okay with it. We also got the theme of marriage throughout, which I thought to be a little goofy and tonally off. Barry found out he's supposedly going to marry Iris and that all of a sudden Eddie wants to propose to her. I just didn't like that part of tonight, although I will say Candice Patton gave us a solid performance. She has often overacted or just had terrible material to work with. But she handled her emotional material well tonight and everything seemed great. That is until she found out Barry was the Flash by remembering a certain shock she felt when Barry was in a coma. To me, that was a pretty cheap way of her finding out. I feel like it wasn't a memorable enough moment. Wouldn't she just think it was a shock you sometimes get when you touch clothes or another persons hand? But as the final moments went down Gustin gave another great performance. Him and Amell really do damaged well. Speaking of damaged, Eddie is now in the clear about who Wells is and could possibly be headed to the dark side. Regardless, I think we are in for quite a ride these next few weeks. Side note: If you look closely at the newspaper from the future you can see that it says "The Flash, with help from GREEN Arrow, The Atom, and Hawkgirl, began fighting Reverse Flash". I mean how cool is that?? +Team catches up +Pop culture references and fan service +Surprisingly strong performance from Patton +Gustin kills it +Everyone is in the clear with Wells -The way Iris found out -Too easy to lucid dream 8.5/10


Let me start by saying WOW, this episode blew me away. This most likely is the second best episode this season behind "Out of Time." The only edge that episode has on this is the subplot with the Weather Wizard.

Back to this episode, probably the most solid acting performances from the entire cast and also the some of the most intense scenes all season. Specifically, Tom Cavanaugh's as Harrison Wells (Or Eobard Thawne) performance was riveting when alternating between the mysterious, yet likable Harrison Wells to the completely psychopathic Reverse Flash/Eobard Thawne.

Besides Wells, Iris' character gained a little more background, giving her more depth and getting her more involved with the rest of the characters. Lastly for characters, Cisco was once again great and remains shows most likable character. His dream sequence was chilling and the editing from the present back to the dream was equally well done.

Now for the best part of the episode. The climactic scene with Cisco being confronted was edge-of-my-seat excitement. Every second passed and the tension increased with every word out of Eobard's mouth. Then WHAM! It's not even him. I honestly did not expect that twist to happen and it brought a massive grin to my face when the scene played out. The Reverse Flash's entire plan is spellbinding as he plays his cards one by one. This was also the scene where every character's acting shined brightest.

Overall, this episode was a Flash fan's dream. With more reveals and countless twists and turns, this show is manufacturing incredible hype for the end of the season.

One last thing, ARM VACUUMS! That is all.

9.7/10 for this gem


I wanted the title to be 'BEST EPISODE EVER' because this episode deserves an all caps title, but IMDb asked me not to shout. So starting with my review, there are good episodes and then there are episodes that blow your mind and this episode did exactly that. Oh my god, I have seen many super hero shows and thought I liked a few shows more than this one but this specific episode has changed everything. It is a true piece of art. Wow just wow! I had to go back and change my rating for 'The Flash' from 8 to 9 after this single episode because it was that powerful. Out of the thousands of episodes I have seen in the past few years, this is hands down my favorite episode ever. I can't even start to imagine what the writers are going to do next to top this.


(Insert Admiral Ackbar joke here) Wisely jettisons the freak-of-the-week villain in favor of a focus on Dr. Wells as the season races (no pun...okay, pun intended) to a finish. Earlier time travel episode comes back into play in a way that retroactively preserves that otherwise fantastic episode's impact that had seemingly been wiped out by a frustrating "Psych!".

Some nice flashback work (one of the show's real strengths) helps to add even more substance to character relationships. Barry learns some "OMG!"-worthy future news about he and Iris that is sure to have major ramifications with only three episodes left.

Though the veil around Wells has fallen, "The Trap" lacks the jaw-dropping impact of "Out of Time", but it still ranks as perhaps the second best episode of the season.


After the weak episodes last week and the week before, this one was quite good. Not too many distracting sidetracks, just focussing on Harrison Wells and how to reveal his true identity and to get a confession from him for the murder of Barry's mother. The acting was quite alright, except for a few scenes. I am not sure if it is the writers or Grant Gustin, but sometimes I have the impression that the nerdiness and bafflement of the Barry character is exaggerated. In my point of view a little more character development in this regard should take place.

Were there any logical flaws in this episode? Well, actually I can think of one. In the scene when Harrison Wells talks to Cisco in the bunker and approaches him with his hand raised to kill him, his hand doesn't vibrate as it did in Ciscos dream. Hence, to a smart guy like Cisco, this could have been an indicator that something is not right. But let's just say it was the "heat of the moment" and Cisco didn't notice that.

Another flaw was the usual on and off relationship between Iris and Barry. As I said in my review for S01E19, the Iris character is expendable. Her contribution to the show so far was minimal. After this episode I am afraid to say, she won't be out of the show soon. I am not sure where the writers are going with the relationship and with the character, but whatever direction it is, I won't like it.