» » Mrs. Wilson's Diary (1969)

Mrs. Wilson's Diary (1969) Online

Mrs. Wilson's Diary (1969) Online
Original Title :
Mrs. Wilsonu0027s Diary
Genre :
Movie / Comedy
Year :
Directror :
Stuart Allen
Cast :
David Battley,Howard Goorney,Bob Grant
Writer :
Richard Ingrams,John Wells
Type :
Time :
Rating :
Mrs. Wilson's Diary (1969) Online

Credited cast:
David Battley David Battley - David Frost
Howard Goorney Howard Goorney - Dr. Melrose
Bob Grant Bob Grant - George Brown
Nigel Hawthorne Nigel Hawthorne - Roy Jenkins
Myvanwy Jenn Myvanwy Jenn - Gladys Wilson
Stephen Lewis Stephen Lewis - Inspector Trimfittering
Toni Palmer Toni Palmer - Traffic Warden
Peter Reeves Peter Reeves - Gerald Hoffman
Reg Templar Reg Templar - Robot Heath
Bill Wallis Bill Wallis - Harold Wilson

Began as a regular spoof in the magazine Private Eye, before being turned into a successful stage musical by Joan Littlewood. Most of the cast of the musical transferred to this television version.

The Mrs. Wilson of the title, Mary Wilson, was always referred to in the original magazine spoofs as Gladys, her real first name.

Gerald Kaufman's character had a name change (to Hoffman) following threats of legal action.

Originally scheduled for broadcast on November 23, 1968, it was delayed for the re-recording of a controversial scene which involved the characterization of the former Foreign Secretary, Mr. George Brown.