» » Root Cause (2019)

Root Cause (2019) Online

Root Cause (2019) Online
Original Title :
Root Cause
Genre :
Movie / Documentary
Year :
Directror :
Frazer Bailey
Cast :
Ben Purser,Kerith Atkinson,Oliver Bailey
Type :
Time :
1h 13min
Rating :
Root Cause (2019) Online

Root Cause is a feature length documentary featuring opinions from doctors and dentists from around the world, that try to postulate the health effects of the root canal procedure. Root Cause is one man's personal journey of self-discovery and subsequent attempt to prove that a long accepted safe procedure might have health impacts.
Credited cast:
Ben Purser Ben Purser - Frazer Bailey
Rest of cast listed alphabetically:
Kerith Atkinson Kerith Atkinson - Dr. Minkoff's Patient
Oliver Bailey Oliver Bailey - Kid
Orlando Bailey Orlando Bailey - Kid
Oscar Bailey Oscar Bailey - Kid
Ruby Grace Barker Ruby Grace Barker - Cafe Tween
Matthew Filkins Matthew Filkins - Blood Test Doctor
Amy Jobson Amy Jobson - Dr. Breiner's Patient
Ron Kelly Ron Kelly - Doctor
Brooke Nichole Lee Brooke Nichole Lee - Sexy Dental Nurse
Hugh Parker Hugh Parker - Root Canal Dentist
Luisa Prosser Luisa Prosser - Psychic
Murray Shoring Murray Shoring - Dr. Minkoff
Kevin Spink Kevin Spink - (voice)
Dylan Stumer Dylan Stumer

User reviews



Look up Dr. Joseph Issels. That is where they were getting all of their statistics, he is a German physician that was convicted of manslaughter for trying "alternative cancer treatment methods" on patients. The claim that 97% of patients with cancer had root canals was based on a claim from this physician. No documented numbers, that was his estimation... what a joke.


This documentary looks slick and modern and the production quality is high, but it's not credible.

I felt so passionate about sharing this with you all that I opened an IMDB account just to leave this comment.

I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue last year and I'm working my way back to full health. My dentist recently told me I need a root canal, and after a tough year health-wise I'm naturally cautious of anything that may negatively impact my health. So I gave this 'documentary' a watch.

This documentary begins with Dr David Minkoff MD saying: "If you think you can get away with leaving an infected toxic tooth in your body and not have a systemic consequence, I think you're deluding yourself."

Dr David Minkoff is a scientologist and was banned from practicing medicine in Florida.

Please Google 'Dr David Minkoff MD' for yourself. There's plenty of unpleasant and scary stories involving him. Surely any documentary that begins with this man delivering it's central message is undermined, immediately? It is in my eyes.

From Casewatch: "In 2001, the Florida Board of Medicine fined David I. Minkoff, M.D., $10,000 and suspended his license for one year, to be followed by two years of probation. Minkoff, a Scientologist, was implicated in the death of Lisa McPherson, a Scientologist who allegedly died of malnutrition while in the custody of other Scientologists. An Administrative Law Judge concluded (see below) that even though Minkoff had never met McPherson, he prescribed sedative medication by telephone to Church of Scientology staff members who had called on her behalf. Although admitting no guilt, Minkoff reached a $100,000 settlement in 1997 in a wrongful death lawsuit filed by McPherson's estate."

Additionally, two people died using an experimental scientology-based form of electro-therapy at this clinic. Again, please Google. Do your own research :)

As I said above, this documentary looks slick and is easy to watch, but it's not credible.


This has been a very well produced and designed plot to reach into people's fear and pray on everyone's laziness and inability to make any personnal research. I believe any health documentary making claims like these should be liable to a general lawsuit by the public who realize that they will undergo useless treatment and costly restorative procedures afterwards with no result. The reality is the chakras and meridians and acupuncture are all alternative medicine that have a success rate as high as placebo effect. This is well documented. So basicall no real effect. Second of all, claiming literrature as a source for their statements is total BS. Actual medical litterature is a stronghold of information not at all saying whether their findings are accurate, in line with general concensus or totally off. When reviewing litterature there is always a couple of articles against and a majority for. You can defend any opinion with medical litterature. For example, 100% of people who have breast cancer drank water. Correlation, cause and effect and number of test subjects in a research are all important. This piece should be taken for what it is, a load of BS, advocated by doctors out of network who are willing to prey on sick people that can't find a solution, because the reality is that disease is multifactorial and meridians have nothing to do with it. Yes a tooth and overall oral health affects the whole body but not at all in the way it is described here. There is no international conspiracy regarding root canals. Maybe flat earthers did this?


Odd, 3 of the dentists (Nunnally, Freeman and Owens) in this documentary work in the same practice in Marble Falls, TX.
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Zirconia is metal!!! The most stupid documentary I ever saw. Don't wast your time watching this total BS. All dental schools teach evidence-based dentistry, not Holistic BS. I'm pretty sure this documentary was paid and sponsored by zirconia implant companies. I'm a dentist and I do have root canals teeth and titanium implants in my mouth and I'm very healthy.


First, if pamelasmcelman checks back for an answer, you should google for "biological dentists," as they're more likely to be called. Also check the IAOMT website (should be easy to find with a search). But don't assume you'll automatically have a great dentist--ask lots of questions, ask for testimonials, and trust your gut. Try joining some Facebook groups. There's one that starts with "NICO" that's pretty good.

Those of us who have been on the Internet for at least a few months recognize the tone and vocabulary of these 1-star reviews, don't we? :) There are those who think if they yell loudly enough and insult the intelligence of others with playground epithets, we "stupid folks" will retreat whimpering into a dark closet and never be seen again. I really don't understand the motivation. Surely these reviewers are not all endodontists. I'm sure those folks have plenty of profitable work to keep them busy! Would someone go to the trouble of creating many accounts to post all these "reviews"? It sure sounds like it.

I haven't seen much substantiated criticism in all these reviews, but a lot of hot air. A few pokes at some dentists' histories...but anyone can say anything about anyone, can't they? Are all the dentists on the "other side" paragons? There was some tongue-in-cheek nonsense and wacky treatments mentioned in the documentary (from one man's experiences, which adds some color), but the really telling parts have been totally ignored by critics here. Many of the statistics in the movie came straight from mainstream dental or medical organizations. Experiments and studies were done properly and are easy to find documented.

The truth will eventually become mainstream, and people will look back in a few decades and laugh at the idea that anyone would believe a dead tooth could be safely left in the jaw, with no circulation or access by the immune system. Anyone can do their own research online or at the library and decide which sources and experts are credible. The shrillness of protest is just more evidence that a nerve has been touched. Pun intended. :)

And what on earth do the 1-star folks think the film is selling? I just watched it last night and I don't recall any products mentioned, website, or contact information. You're ridiculous!

To the filmmaker and Netflix, THANK YOU for making available information that has long been ignored and even suppressed. You are saving lives.


The American Dental Association does not want you to watch this movie.


Apart from this documentary being miles away from being based of solid scientific facts, some people reviewing this thing miss the point that zirconia implants are made of Zirconium Dioxide (ZrO2) is an organometallic compound of Zirconium, which is a transitional metal, and which just like the so much dissed titanium it sits on the same column of the famous Periodic Table of Elements...


I enjoyed the movie because it makes you think. I had a root canal and still ended up losing my tooth years later. Then I had two different dentists give me a bridge. The latest bridge is well made, but still fell out last year. I frequently have neck pain on the side of my neck with the bridge. So I'm going to have a 3d cone beam CT after watching this to see if I've got an Infection going on wherr my tooth use to reside. Perhaps I need the periodontal ligament taken out, Maybe it's out already. Who really knows what the dentist did. Movies like these empower people to think about their health in broader terms. Stop hating on information and calling everything you don't agree with misinformation!


BEST doc I've seen in my life. Eye opening. My case was very difficult. Removing my root canals was OMG, I feel like a new guy after that. It completely cured my cronic diseases.

The low rating on IMDB and other pages are very easy to understand if you know that Dentistry is a BIG INDUSTRY in all world, and DENTISTS who criticize this documentary are WORRIED about THEIR MONEY, NOT about YOUR HEALTH!

Make your own judgement by watching this and PLEASE support the creators of this movie. They save my life!


It's logical and proven. Dead teeth are infected and microbes leak into the bloodstream, causing disease where possible. Dr. Weston Price was warning us 100 years ago. Greedy dentist-groups ignored the hard science. Now we get another chance to come to our senses. Super warning! Get rid of all dead rotten toothbone in your jaw !


Complete rubbish. Absolutely zero credible evidence based dentistry involved in making this film. Even the most naïve, uneducated, viewer should be able to see through this pseudoscience junk.


Yes root canals are toxic. I wish this show would have focused strictly on the science of root canal toxins and left out some of the more controversial and irrelevant concepts like acupuncture meridians that everyone here is criticizing. Making it sound like an ancient aliens conspiracy documentary is not helping them convince the general public. However, the gist of the message about root canals is true. I developed idiopathic neuropathy shortly after getting two root canals. All the endodontists said the root canals looked great but a CBCT scanner showed otherwise. When I had them recently removed, the surgeon found that the root canals were indeed infected. I also had a cavitation in an extraction site where the periodontal ligament wasn't removed and the surgeon found this was infected too. I am already beginning to recover my health, but don't listen to me.. I guess you should listen to all the qualified endodontists and psychiatrists here protecting their business and all the sadists who want to keep you sick and suffering.


I think the documentary makes some valid points. As a member of the scientific community, I at the very least think the points made, are worth investigating more. At the end of the day, as health professionals, we want our patients to be healthy, and I believe more research into the root canal/extraction sites bacteria and it's connection to chronic disease is at least warranted.
you secret

you secret

This is hopefully the final nail in the coffin for project fear. people across the world are becoming more and more educated and are understanding the need to review the scientific quality of their sources, and to practise critical thinking. This documentary presents a similar level of intellect as demonstrated in flat-earth documentaries. Unfortunately the programme is well produced, and as such has managed to present misleading science lingo in a way that is designed to con and frighten people with chronic disease. The movie promotes the removal of teeth, and you will see the presenter and e-motion advising people on every social media forum including Facebook and YouTube to remove their teeth and that implants,bridges or dentures would be better. The movie begins with the presenter explaining that he was on a booze fuelled holiday when the injury to his tooth first occurred, Nowhere in the intro where he explained he tried 'everything' including cannabis, crystals and acupuncture does it mention that he tried cognitive behavioural therapy for his depression/anxiety.

This is a train crash from start to finish. It preys on the scientific novice, and is about as useful as a juice cleanse.


To the people who attack this documentary, I would just ask that you try to be a bit more humane. I had two root canals in 2010 on the right side of my mouth. In 2013, I was diagnosed with breast cancer on the right side. I have suffered my entire adult life with horrible health issues and always just did whatever my doctors said to do. My body looks like something out of a Tim Burton movie with all the surgery scars. Now I'm battling stage 4 metastatic cancer in my lungs for over a year. I started reading about the possible link between root canals and breast cancer and decided to see a biological dentist who found one of the root canals I had was infected and leaking toxins at the root. He also found I had a huge infected cavitation from a wisdom tooth extraction done over 40 years ago. Now I wonder if that was linked to all my other health issues as I have lived a very healthy lifestyle ever since this all started in an effort to avoid more health disasters. Six weeks ago I had the root canals removed and the cavitation cleaned out and working to get the bone to regrow. It was after all that work that I stumbled upon Root Cause on Netflix. I watched it and was in tears by the end of the film. I don't think it's a coincidence that so many of us breast cancer victims had root canals on the same side as our cancer. I'd never heard of cavitations before but it makes sense that a chronic infection in the jaw can wreak havoc on our immune system. I am praying every day that taking care of these dental issues will finally allow me to win this battle with cancer. I understand the ADA is trying to have this documentary pulled from Netflix and other networks. That is pure evil. People should be able to see this and make their own decisions.


I came upon this documentary after a patient mentioned it to me. I was just going to fall asleep to it until it completely caught my attention. As someone who has a very science driven mind and has worked hard to improve the oral health of my patients, I felt it was my duty to listen. As healthcare providers it is our duty to question everything, we must always challenge the norms and ask, why are we doing what we are doing. I have been asking myself for years why is it, when I see teeth that have been crowned with porcelain fused to metal restorations and even more so when the tooth is root canaled, is there chronic inflammation, despite how good the patients dental home are is. I felt it was partially the materials. Metal almost always causes a reaction with the tissue. Even after I sadly and upsettingly had to have a root canal myself, I only wanted a zirconia restoration, due to the way I had seen my patients gums become inflammed. I was prone to metal sensitivity from having issues with body piercings, and I did not want to risk it. Zirconia is artificial diamond, which is the most inert material we have at this point. I had also seen clinical evidence with my patients that when there was a zirconia restoration, the tissue was less likely to be inflammed and have less issues. When I was going through all this trouble with my tooth #3, which I had issues with restoring since I was 17, I looked into dental meridians well before I ever saw this documentary. I have chronic back issues that started when I was 16. Every doctor, orthopedist, and medical person I have been to has told me there is nothing physically wrong with me. I have also had a chronically inflammed lymph node on the same side since I was a teenager as well, it never goes away despite not being sick. In my office, we talk about the oral systemic connection all the time. We've been talking about the connection to Alzheimer's and demenitia long before the most recent study came out. I have known since the beginning of my practice that root canals usually only have a 80% success rate. How do we measure success though? I tell people every day that when a root canal tooth is done that the tooth is dead and needs to be monitored closely because you will never feel it if it becomes reinfected because of the lack of nerve and blood vessels. Even if it does become infected, most don't feel it until it's very badly progressed. It makes it very difficult to get people treatment or retreatment they need. Almost all levels of dental disease are silent until they have progressed to a point of significant damage. We are then doing damage control rather than being preventative. Dental insurance is a mess and only allows you to get preventative treatment. We have to tell patients it's like a dental coupon, not designed to allow you to get dentistry, but to be preventative. I am extremely passionate about this subject and I believe it is very much worth looking into. From an energy healer, following the principals of correspondence, as above, so below. It also makes sense. What happens on the physical, happens on the energetic, and vice versa. Science is at the point they can actually detect an aura, we have an electromagnetic field around us, what do you think that is? We affect things and people around us.

So back to my tooth, I was so afraid of losing this tooth, that I didn't even want an implant either, something about it spooked me, though we recommend them every day. However, sitting with the thought that I could do a ceramic/zirconia implant..... sat much better with me. As a dental professional, I am getting my root canaled tooth which has been treated twice, once with an endodontic root canal.... which my body attacked and started to resorb the root tips, the endodonitst litterally said he has no idea why this was happening and was actually surprised to see it on the CBT scan, then I had an apicoectomy to remove the root tip and try to help the infection.... it's somewhst butter but there is always still been a radiolucency indicating levels of inflammation.... mind you, the tooth was not infected before, when it was being prepared for a filling, the pulp canal was nicked, causing me to need a root canal. I am going to get this tooth out, and have a ceramic implant. I have also in the past two years of having done it. Original treatment was September 2016. I've struggled much more with my mental health, pulled away from everyone, sensory input is often way too much, and I've been to specialists for my gi tract, pain issues and more. The past two months I've experienced the worst depression of my life, combating self harm, interpersonal issues and more. My tooth is not all of it, but if I can lighten the load on my body. I will.


Everyone needs to see the Netflix documentary, "Root Cause", especially anyone suffering from poor health with no explanations from their MDs as to a cause for their illness. I have been searching, testing and undertaking numerous protocols the past four years, since I retired, to find a root cause to my autoimmune condition and failing health. Nothing has helped. Finally, this movie resonated with me as to a possible breakthrough for understanding my Hashimoto's condition. It is high time that doctors, as well as dentists, begin to recognize that there is and has to be a connection with the mouth and what goes on in our body. Not everyone has a mouth full of dangerous metals and bad dental work, but those such as myself that do need answers. If you're still searching for a cause, this documentary may spell hope and shed some light on the dangers of root canals, untreated abscessed cavitations, and toxicity of metal amalgams.


In a society plagued by disease like never before in the history of humankind despite "advances" in medicine and the easy availability of antibiotics, vaccination etc, nobody is really asking what has changed to lead to so many cancers, autoimmune diseases and so much heart disease in our modern world. What do we do different now from before? Well, one thing that is different is root canals. To all those dentists reviewing this movie and yammering on that there is no "evidence" in this movie: how about all the extracted and supposedly "sterile" root canal teeth that were analysed post-extraction and found to be teeming with bacteria. Where do you think the waste product from that bacteria goes? Nothing is stationary in the body, but it circulates. Other body systems have to start dealing with the overflow of crap coming from these teeth. And yes, in more vulnerable people, more immune deficient, I can see how this can lead to overwhelm and serious illness. I am someone with 8 root canals who has suffered bad health since I got the first one, at 12, despite a totally normal and healthy childhood. Shame on you, dentists who bury their head in the sand on this. How many root canal teeth did you take out and sent to a lab for analysis? Once you've done 50 or 100 and they came back sterile or 90% sterile - that's when you can leave these incompetent and misleading reviews.... If all the dentists taking out root canal teeth decided to send them to a lab and report the results - we would have an amazing body of knowledge on this topic by now...and there would be no more doubt.


Do not believe this rubbish! No evidence to back the claims!


Dentistry is based on research! Nothing of what is mentioned is true - you can ask a dentist or a doctor! Zirconia is a metal - it is just white! Watching this was just waste of time, you should better avoid it!


If you believe that vaccines will cause autism, you might enjoy the documentary and give it a 10/10. For the rest of the crowd, this is full of faulty "scientific evidence" and publicity seekers willing to make shocking statements to get their name out in the world.


Most informative movie - changed my life litterally. This answered my current health concerns and I would never of known without watching this doco. If you have a Unexplained illness or fatigue... watch this and see a biological dentist ASAP.


Shame on Netflix... I tolerated the BlackMirror series which had the story: "Stealing someones DNA is equal to stealing their memory" since it was just a drama series. But you guys should not do such thing when it comes to documentaries... 97percent who have cancer has root canal??? WTF??? 100% OF PEOPLE WHO HAVE CANCER DRINK WATER. Shame on Netflix. No different with evil.


I find it very strange that suddenly 100% of the people who wrote BS reviews on this page are dentists. What are they afraid of ? Obviously they are not interested in changing their present practices.of risking peoples. Most dentists in my life have been up their own holes and won't even listen to the patient let alone anyone who tells them they are or have been doing it wrong.

One dentist messed my wifes mouth so badly at my cost that I understand that eventually.he was struck off. I suppose that it's probably ok for him to practice in another country. I hope you don't meet him.

Personally I thought the documentary film was extremely interesting and I believe much of what was stated, even if those dentist's who think it was an advert disagree.