» » Miami Vice Little Prince (1984–1990)

Miami Vice Little Prince (1984–1990) Online

Miami Vice Little Prince (1984–1990) Online
Original Title :
Little Prince
Genre :
TV Episode / Action / Crime / Drama / Mystery / Thriller
Year :
Directror :
Alan J. Levi
Cast :
Don Johnson,Philip Michael Thomas,Saundra Santiago
Writer :
Anthony Yerkovich,Daniel Pyne
Type :
TV Episode
Time :
Rating :
Miami Vice Little Prince (1984–1990) Online

Crockett thinks that a wealthy industrialist's son nailed in a heroin bust could lead them to bigger connections in the supply network.
Episode cast overview:
Don Johnson Don Johnson - Detective James Crockett
Philip Michael Thomas Philip Michael Thomas - Detective Ricardo Tubbs
Saundra Santiago Saundra Santiago - Detective Gina Calabrese
Michael Talbott Michael Talbott - Detective Stan Switek
John Diehl John Diehl - Det. Larry Zito
Olivia Brown Olivia Brown - Detective Trudy Joplin
Edward James Olmos Edward James Olmos - Lieutenant Martin Castillo
Paul Roebling Paul Roebling - Mark Jorgenson
Maryann Plunkett Maryann Plunkett - Mary McDermott
Mitchell Lichtenstein Mitchell Lichtenstein - Mark Jr.
Giancarlo Esposito Giancarlo Esposito - Luther
Jorge Gil Jorge Gil - Royco
Mario Ernesto Sánchez Mario Ernesto Sánchez - Jimmy (as Mario Sanchez)

User reviews



Despite a strong and memorable opening sequence, accompanied by Frankie Goes To Hollywood's dance floor classic "Relax", this episode is one of the least impressive of the first season.

A character driven piece, "Little Prince" falls somewhat flat. This may be due to the fact that the title character is not very likable. I wasn't really concerned about the fate of the young polo playing drug addict, Mark Jorgenson Jr., whose father was extremely wealthy. As a result, there was little dramatic tension in this episode.

Not bad by any means but definitely poor in comparison with an average early "Miami Vice" episode.

7 out of 10.


Under rated episode. At first glance I found little prince could get across as laborious to watch with the usual investigative police work done by Crockett and Tubbs. On second watching Little Prince is the character developmental story of rich kid, who lives a life of suffering. The real story of a Father son relationship. Living with a ruthless and harsh father has a negative impact (or the human factor) on a caring son. There is surveillance, police work, and the legal side of the crime work. Crockett and Tubbs shine with the rest of the Vice squad trying take down some evil drug dealers. The ending shows, Crockett's soft side with a powerful father son conclusion. Crockett's line maybe this will save the kid is memorable. 7 out of 10 stars. Maybe threw losing everything the kid will save himself I got the ending after a second watching.


It looks like nothing will come of a drugs raid when the dealer takes a dive from an upstairs window however it turns out that one of the junkies is from a wealthy family and might know dealers higher up the chain than most junkies. They don't get chance to find out as he is released from custody and off playing a quick chukka of polo before Crockett and Tubbs and persuade him to talk. A little investigation however shows that his father might not be as clean as he looks. One of his warehouses hooks particularly suspicious so the team mount a surveillance operation; eventually it pays off and a deal takes place; however the person arrested is the father's fiancée and soon after getting released on bail she 'commits suicide'. It looks like the father is indeed untouchable... unless Crockett can persuade his junkie son to help catch him.

This was a decent enough episode even if it wasn't as good as most of the episodes this season. The problem was it lacked action and sympathetic characters. The best scene was the opening where Trudy and Gina pretended to be junkies to find the drug den and nearly got injected with heroin when their back up lost sight of them. After this opening not another shot was fired and we didn't even get a scene with them racing somewhere with cool music playing in the background; I wonder if they were saving money on this one!


What I have always liked about Miami Vice is how it looks through the imperfect prism of catching criminals, and comments on the lengths for which detectives must sometimes go, whether they like it or not, in order to successfully close cases. A young man, Mark Jorgenson, Jr(Mitchel Lichtenstein), a troubled heroine addict whose affluence is actually a burden because of his demanding Wall Street broker father, is found in a drug raid stoned by Crockett and Tubbs. They want to know the dealers Mark Jr is involved with, and soon learn that his father, notorious for escaping a multitude of shady trading practices, maybe be using a warehouse to funnel cocaine. When Mary McDermott(Maryann Plunkett), Mark Sr's fiancé, is caught in a drug raid of that warehouse thanks to good police work by Vice, this may be a golden opportunity for Crockett and Tubbs to secure their suspect..which results in tragedy due to Mark Sr's decision to remove Mary from his life("disassociation")in order not to be linked to the warehouse raid. Seizing their chance to get a confession from Mark Sr by exploiting Mary's fate, Vice will hope to persuade Mark Jr into implicating his father. This episode ponders how far detectives should go to apprehend their criminal, whether it is morally viable to pit son against father, knowing that he is indeed not only a drug dealer, but murderer as well. We also see how that, despite the luxurious lifestyle and money available, living under the pressure of measuring up to your father's standards can be a millstone for which a young man seeks release..anyway he can, including drug use.