» » The Brothers Tug of War (1972–1976)

The Brothers Tug of War (1972–1976) Online

The Brothers Tug of War (1972–1976) Online
Original Title :
Tug of War
Genre :
TV Episode / Drama
Year :
Directror :
Roderick Graham
Cast :
Jean Anderson,Patrick O'Connell,Richard Easton
Writer :
Gerard Glaister,N.J. Crisp
Type :
TV Episode
Time :
Rating :
The Brothers Tug of War (1972–1976) Online

Jill wonders if David is having an affair with Julie, who has always wanted him. David refuses to budge on the Dover depot plan and gets Ted on side. Brian goes behind David's back, issuing a direct appeal to Jill. Ted coerces Mary into inviting Jennifer round for a dinner. Jennifer notes Brian's drive for power. Barbara is curious about Johnny's mysterious business phone call. After learning that Brian went to Jill, David lays his cards on the table, forcing Ted to make an executive decision. Lorry driver Jim Barker turns up looking for a job at Hammond, but there is more to him than meets the eye
Episode complete credited cast:
Jean Anderson Jean Anderson - Mary Hammond
Patrick O'Connell Patrick O'Connell - Edward Hammond
Richard Easton Richard Easton - Brian Hammond
Robin Chadwick Robin Chadwick - David Hammond
Jennifer Wilson Jennifer Wilson - Jennifer Kingsley
Hilary Tindall Hilary Tindall - Ann Hammond
Julia Goodman Julia Goodman - Barbara Trent
Gabrielle Drake Gabrielle Drake - Jill Hammond
Gillian McCutcheon Gillian McCutcheon - Julie Lane
Anna Fox Anna Fox - Pamela Graham
Malcolm Stoddard Malcolm Stoddard - Johnny Trent
Frank Jarvis Frank Jarvis - Jim Barker
John Barcroft John Barcroft - Lowe