» » Wild Card Pilot (2003–2005)

Wild Card Pilot (2003–2005) Online

Wild Card Pilot (2003–2005) Online
Original Title :
Genre :
TV Episode / Drama / Mystery / Comedy / Crime
Year :
Directror :
Stephen Surjik
Cast :
Joely Fisher,Chris Potter,Rae Dawn Chong
Writer :
Steve Blackman,Lynn Marie Latham
Type :
TV Episode
Time :
Rating :
Wild Card Pilot (2003–2005) Online

Zoe Busiek is a free spirited woman originally from Chicago who lives in Las Vegas. When she learns her sister died in an accident, she goes back to take care of her children. She then learns that the insurance company decides not to pay because eye witness account claims her sister was at fault. But Zoe doesn't believe she was so she sets out to prove it.
Episode credited cast:
Joely Fisher Joely Fisher - Zoe Busiek
Chris Potter Chris Potter - Dan Lennox
Rae Dawn Chong Rae Dawn Chong - Sophie Mason
Bronson Picket Bronson Picket - Marcos Morales
Jamie Johnston Jamie Johnston - Clifford 'Cliff' Woodall
Vikki Krinsky Vikki Krinsky - Taylor Woodall
Aislinn Paul Aislinn Paul - Hannah Woodall
Rest of cast listed alphabetically:
Elle Downs Elle Downs
Devin Douglas Drewitz Devin Douglas Drewitz - Clifford
Arlene Duncan Arlene Duncan - Casino Cashier
Jayne Eastwood Jayne Eastwood - Jeannie
Don Franklin Don Franklin - Peter Callas
Alex House Alex House - Ted
Ron Josol Ron Josol - Frat Boy
Brian Kaulback Brian Kaulback - Mr. Draper

User reviews



In the pilot episode, Zoe Busiek, a free, sexy, fun loving woman in her late 30's finds out that her sister and brother-in-law died in a car accident, leaving their three children behind. Zoe becomes their legal guardian, but is faced with the difficult task of raising three teenagers without any funds. She realizes that there is something strange about the way her sister died and that maybe the car accident was not their fault. So, with her resourceful wit and sharp mind she manages to prove that to an insurance company. The management is fascinated by her and she gets a full time job working as a fraud investigator.