Eight women. Eight stories. One inspiring documentary capturing the thoughts and choices of these women living in urban India. A series of conversations on love, loss, fear, loneliness, marriage, freedom and what it means to be a woman.
Scattered Windows, Connected Doors (2013) Online

- Original Title :
- Scattered Windows, Connected Doors
- Genre :
- Movie / Documentary / Biography / Drama
- Year :
- 2013
- Directror :
- Ziba Bhagwagar,Roohi Dixit
- Writer :
- Roohi Dixit
- Budget :
- INR 1,500,000
- Type :
- Movie
- Time :
- 1h 15min
- Rating :
- 6.5/10
Eight women. Eight stories. One inspiring documentary capturing the thoughts and choices of these women living in urban India. A series of conversations on love, loss, fear, loneliness, marriage, freedom and what it means to be a woman. An insight into their thoughts. A look at their lives in urban cities in the midst of chaos and noise of the everyday living. Conversations about living life by their own rules and defining themselves in their own words. The film celebrates and validates the questions that we, as women of urban India, as the educated, supposedly privileged, self reliant lot especially, are sometimes scared to ask our own selves. But how often we ponder over them in an attempt to define and understand our selves.