Billings and Meeker are two brow-beaten husbands who are dominated by their wives. The women are leaders in a "Rights for Women" club, and they neglect their household duties to show the ... See full summary
Two Gay Boys (1912) Online

Billings and Meeker are two brow-beaten husbands who are dominated by their wives. The women are leaders in a "Rights for Women" club, and they neglect their household duties to show the way to their sisters in the cause. On the day of an important meeting of the club, Billings and Meeker are forced to listen to harsh words from their wives and are in rebellious spirits and ripe for mutiny. The occasion presents itself for an attractive looking young woman calls on Billings soliciting funds for a charitable institution. Billings is favorably impressed and besides his wife has just given him a curtain lecture. The girl is susceptible to flattery, and before she leaves, the henpecked husband has arranged a little supper, at which Meeker and her chum are to be guests. Telephones are brought into requisition and the affair is arranged to the joy of the two husbands. They repair to the restaurant appointed and have an uneasy half hour waiting for their fair guests. In the meantime their ...