» » Afraid to Dance (1989)

Afraid to Dance (1989) Online

Afraid to Dance (1989) Online
Original Title :
Afraid to Dance
Genre :
Movie / Crime / Romance
Year :
Directror :
Denny Lawrence
Cast :
Nique Needles,Rosey Jones,Grigor Taylor
Writer :
Paul Cockburn
Type :
Time :
1h 27min
Rating :

Out-of-luck youth gets a lift from a girl shoplifter whose car he had planned to steal. They become involved in crime and romance together.

Afraid to Dance (1989) Online

Out-of-luck youth gets a lift from a girl shoplifter whose car he had planned to steal. They become involved in crime and romance together.
Cast overview, first billed only:
Nique Needles Nique Needles - The Male
Rosey Jones Rosey Jones - The Female
Grigor Taylor Grigor Taylor - Jim Pratt
Tina Bursill Tina Bursill - Driving Woman
Annie Byron Annie Byron - Betty
Mervyn Drake Mervyn Drake - Terry
Tom Richards Tom Richards - Don Chapman
Steve J. Spears Steve J. Spears - Garage Man
Allan Penney Allan Penney - Newsagent
Bill Young Bill Young - Publican
Stuart Halcroft Stuart Halcroft - Supermarket Attendant
Marina Finlay Marina Finlay - Checkout Girl
Fred Welsh Fred Welsh - Tom the Mailman
Kate Parker Kate Parker - Large Woman
Angela Cockburn Angela Cockburn - Supermarket Mother

This film was intended as a theatrical release but went straight to video instead.

User reviews



great film for all of you offbeat romantics - there must be a few of us out there

i got into his film in a pretty dark point in my life

but even tho im in a far happier situation lifewise nowadays its still my alltime favourite film

it might be unsophisticated in many ways but its brilliant in many others

simple lines like "who the f**k are you then"

and "bloody hippies" take on real comic moments in this film

if you get the opportunity WATCH IT

a simple but ultimately rewarding way to spend 120 mins

ps im perfectly sane even tho ive seen this over 150 times


Needles is Mr "every crim"...doesn't even have a name. Loser of a small-time thief who makes the dubious acquaintance of shoplifter Miss Jones, who also carries no name. He had actually planned on stealing her car just as a matter of record.

The two socially outcast losers hit it off and embark on a short term spree much along the lines of a "no frills" Bonnie and Clyde!

Ultimately purposeless little flick but not too badly acted I have to admit. Way better than the recent IMPOSTER at least!