» » Silent (2016)

Silent (2016) Online

Silent (2016) Online
Original Title :
Genre :
Movie / Short / Drama / Romance
Year :
Directror :
Paul Bartholomew Baker
Cast :
Alyssa Kompelien,Valérie Fortin,Dylan Free
Writer :
Peter Canavese
Type :
Time :
Rating :
Silent (2016) Online

In a posh hotel suite, two men share a bed, life stories, and their deepest anxieties. Their pillow talk reveals them to be closeted Hollywood actors running out of time before they must face the public at the premiere of a new film. Middle-aged Carter wryly instructs fresh-faced up-and-comer William in the realities of life as a gay man and movie star. But as the minutes tick away, the lines between naiveté and experience, cynicism and optimism, sex and romance blur as Carter and William contemplate that most terrifying of questions: what next?
Credited cast:
Alyssa Kompelien Alyssa Kompelien - William's Date
Valérie Fortin Valérie Fortin - Isabelle Hamilton
Dylan Free Dylan Free - William's Agent
John Fisher John Fisher - Carter Hamilton
Erik Johnson Erik Johnson - William Leland