» » Lady Psycho Killer (2015)

Lady Psycho Killer (2015) Online

Lady Psycho Killer (2015) Online
Original Title :
Lady Psycho Killer
Genre :
Movie / Comedy / Drama / Horror
Year :
Directror :
Nathan Oliver
Cast :
Dennis Andres,David Arrayet,Daniel Baldwin
Writer :
Albert I Melamed,Nathan Oliver
Type :
Time :
1h 22min
Rating :

Lady Psycho Killer is a film ready to rock you to the core. A doe-eyed knife-wielding killer is on the loose in a small town slicing and dicing men of questionable intent left and right. As... See full summary

Lady Psycho Killer (2015) Online

Lady Psycho Killer is a film ready to rock you to the core. A doe-eyed knife-wielding killer is on the loose in a small town slicing and dicing men of questionable intent left and right. As her brutality leaves a town littered with corpses, her unquenchable blood-lust is lost on her young lover who is willing to pursue her regardless of the obvious warning signs of psychosis. Will he meet his end at the end of her blade? She decides who lives or dies!
Credited cast:
Dennis Andres Dennis Andres - Daniel
David Arrayet David Arrayet - Station Police
Daniel Baldwin Daniel Baldwin - Daniel's father
Bianca Beauchamp Bianca Beauchamp - Stripper
Sabrina Campilii Sabrina Campilii - Courtney
Anthony D'Alessandro Anthony D'Alessandro - Disco Victim #2
Kate Daly Kate Daly - Ella
Drew Davies Drew Davies - Stuff a Pup Kid
Josh Dolphin Josh Dolphin - Chuck
Meredith Heinrich Meredith Heinrich - Patricia
Ron Jeremy Ron Jeremy - Sal
Peter Kaperonis Peter Kaperonis - Club Doorman
Donna Kinch Donna Kinch - Librarian
Alysa King Alysa King - Lake Girl
Christopher Kralik Christopher Kralik - Police Clerk

This was Kate Daly's first role. She appeared at an open casting call in Toronto at the age of 18. The producers were so impressed with her audition, they chased her down the street after she had left to schedule an immediate call-back.

Most of the movie was filmed in a trailer park called Terrawoods.

The director Nathan Oliver appeared on The Nite Show with Dan Cashman, a Maine late night talk show, to promote the home video release of the film. During the interview, he explained that the film is a direct send-up of teen serial dramas like Dawson's Creek. This is in line with interviews with Albert Melamed and Nathan Oliver from the world premiere of the film in Montreal two years prior where they mentioned using the structure of Party of Five and Gilmore Girls as inspiration for their film.

User reviews



I stumbled across this movie not knowing what to expect, I liked the cast and it had a cool cover.

I think it's an independent movie in the truest sense of the word. What I mean is that while it touches upon some familiar territory in this particular genre, it is by no means confined to convention... it is, perhaps, more of a response to said convention.

The central character is an attractive 'good girl' in college, pursued by a virtuous dude-bro with an obnoxious buddy (the two seemingly serve as each other's alter egos)... the essence of this group harkens back to the classic set-up of Friday The 13th and other popular franchises... but we learn from the onset that there is more to this 'good girl' then what she leads on. She's both the protagonist and a deeply disturbed young lady.

The voice over provides a deeper characterization of who she is with her homicidal thoughts and we really do see the world through her eyes... the world being the veritable den of male sexual deviants... even the nice old neighbor, played brilliantly by Malcom McDowal is deviant under a thin veneer...

All of these cretens get their just deserts when she is given a rather unorthodox assignment by her professor (the incomparable Michael Madison) who challenges his class to break one sexual norm during the course of the semester and then to write about it. Something that would most likely not hold up well in today's #MeToo movement but our suspension of disbelief is adequately maintained because ultimately what is more compelling is Ella's journey.

There is the obligatory confusion between sex and death that comes with these teen slasher flicks... with Ella as the virginal maiden, expressing her sexuality through grotesque violence, thus effectively distancing herself from her own discomfort. It is only when she and the aforementioned Dude-Bro come together that a resolution to this conflict comes into sight.

The pop psychology angle of it posed some interesting questions that likely would be explored in a sequel but proved, more so, to add a very interesting twist in the end... in which all is right with the world... this very devious world... her world.

All in all, I really enjoyed this picture because, like I said, it thwarted my expectations and I give it high markings because I believe efforts like these are important in cinema and should be encouraged!

Just watch it, give it and chance, and see what you think!


I rather liked it as a spoof on teen/slasher flicks. Less serious than the rape-vegeance classic ISOYG, it still had fairly decent production values, photography and acting. The character of Ella's over-accommodating mother was rather puzzling but became clearer by the twist at the end. Mom was quite a gal.


Not sure what I watched. Was it meant to be a parody of Horror films? Unless you are a fan of hack and slash movies I would advise a pass on it.

Sorry but besides the camera quality I can't think of anything else positive to say about it.

I gave it a 5 because I figure some people that enjoy this type of movie would be entertained. It was definitely between a 4 and 5 for me.


For a low budget horror comedy it was a must see for true convisours of the genre. I give it a 5.5 out of 6 that means it's worth checking out can't do half stars on this so I rounded it to a very generous 6 star lol the production was decent and the acting was just as corny as a low budget horror comedy is supposed to be. The plot is semi believable I guess in a non fiction world I can't see the girl in the movie killing 17 guys the way she did.... Basically right in front of their faces most times when she killed them. She may as well been in slow motion. If this was not a horror comedy movie I would have said screw this unbelievable movie but being as how it is it's a darn good movie. I suggest watching it it's worth watching once at least. People are going to give it mixed reviews so this is definitely for people with open minds and creative imagination to enjoy.


Great actress, well written tongue in cheek spoof. I may be weird but she seemed to pull off being very sexy and a killer at the same time. Probably not for traditional horror enthusiasts but it was funny and flowed well, never boring. I think Quentin Tarantino would like this movie. A ream gem more people should know about


The acting was bad and only out done by the horrible writing and storyline. So stupid. Just really bad. It gets a 2 out of 10 for the eyeball in the urinal.


LADY PSYCHO KILLER is the usual indie dud - a film that claims to be a comedy horror, but which doesn't make you laugh, scream or even react once. It's a poorly-scripted tale about a maladjusted young woman and the extremes to which she's driven, but the story is meandering and the whole thing only seems to exist for a number of random cameoing stars to show up: I'm talking Daniel Baldwin, Ron Jeremy, Malcolm McDowell and Michael Madsen. Goodness knows what they were thinking.