The son of a virtual world designer goes looking for his father and ends up inside the digital world that his father designed. He meets his father's corrupted creation and a unique ally who was born inside the digital world.
Tron: L'héritage (2010) Online

Sam Flynn, the tech-savvy 27-year-old son of Kevin Flynn, looks into his father's disappearance and finds himself pulled into the same world of fierce programs and gladiatorial games where his father has been living for 20 years. Along with Kevin's loyal confidant Quorra, father and son embark on a life-and-death journey across a visually-stunning cyber universe that has become far more advanced and exceedingly dangerous. Meanwhile, the malevolent program CLU, who dominates the digital world, plans to invade the real world and will stop at nothing to prevent their escape.
Cast overview, first billed only: | |||
![]() | Jeff Bridges | - | Kevin Flynn / Clu |
![]() | Garrett Hedlund | - | Sam Flynn |
![]() | Olivia Wilde | - | Quorra |
![]() | Bruce Boxleitner | - | Alan Bradley / Tron |
![]() | James Frain | - | Jarvis |
![]() | Beau Garrett | - | Gem |
![]() | Michael Sheen | - | Castor / Zuse |
![]() | Anis Cheurfa | - | Rinzler |
![]() | Serinda Swan | - | Siren #2 |
![]() | Yaya DaCosta | - | Siren #3 |
![]() | Elizabeth Mathis | - | Siren #4 |
![]() | Kis Yurij | - | Half Faced Man (as Yurij Kis) |
![]() | Conrad Coates | - | Bartik |
![]() | Daft Punk | - | Masked DJ's |
![]() | Ron Selmour | - | Chattering Homeless Man |
The crowd voices during the disk battle in the beginning of the movie are actually the voices of the audience during the presentation of TRON at Comic-Con.
Olivia Wilde is the only actor in the film playing a program who doesn't wear contact lenses for their role due to the natural intensity of her eyes. This is not including CLU or TRON who are created in the images of their users.
In an interview, Jeff Bridges noted that as he was being scanned by laser into a computer (for CGI effects), he realized the same thing happened to him (fictionally) in the original TRON (1982).
Shooting the film lasted only 64 days. Post-production, due to the heavy special effects, required 68 weeks.
When standing over the board game with black and white stones, Quorra mentions to Sam Flynn that she rarely beats Kevin Flynn at it. The board game is, in fact, "Go", a game that is notoriously difficult for computer programs to play well. Unlike chess, where computers are able to beat the world's best human players, when the movie was filmed the best Go computer programs were only able to manage to reach an intermediate amateur level. Which explains why Quorra, being a computer program, would rarely be able to beat Kevin Flynn.
Olivia Wilde's futuristic gear was so effective that when she showed up on the set one day as "herself" after 2 month's work, she was stopped by a security official who demanded to see ID.
The suits worn by the actors proved to be problematic on set. Every single one of them was fitted with a small lithium battery that powered the circuitry for the embedded light strips, but each battery only lasted 12 minutes. In order to maximize the output, the light strips had to be switched on right before each take and turned off immediately afterwards. The circuitries inside the suits were also very fragile, so the actors could not simply sit between takes but had to recline against upright boards.
Early drafts of the script did not feature the role of Alan Bradley. It was only after public outcry by Bruce Boxleitner and fans of the original film that Bradley was added to the script. Boxleitner's performance proved so popular, he went on to make public appearances as Alan Bradley to promote the film, and returned to play the role of Tron in TRON: Uprising (2012).
When Garrett Hedlund is breaking into ENCOM, he forges himself access and when the door opens, he says "Now that is a big door." In the original TRON (1982), Jeff Bridges forges access into ENCOM with the same comment when the door opens.
Most expensive film ever made by a first-time director, with a production budget of US$170 million.
To play the computer program CLU, Jeff Bridges's face was "de-aged" with the same technology used on Benjamin Buttoni uskumatu elu (2008) to "age" Brad Pitt. Thus, in his role as Flynn, Bridges appears to be his actual age of 61, but as CLU (a program written back in the 1980s) he looks like he's in his 30s - programs don't age.
Olivia Wilde had to learn her stunts a second time upon discovering the high heels her character wears.
The wardrobe budget for this film was $13 million. One custom suit alone for the racers cost $60,000.
In addition to the soundtrack, Daft Punk are spinning the tunes at the End of Line Club with their trademark helmets.
Michael Sheen is a very big fan of the original Tron and when he was offered the role of Zuse, he wanted to immediately accept the role. Sheen's agents didn't want Disney to find out that he wanted to be in the film badly, because then Disney could get away with paying Sheen an incredibly low sum of cash for his acting.
Jeff Bridges (Kevin Flynn / Clu) and Bruce Boxleitner (Alan Bradley / Tron) are the only actors to appear in both TRON (1982) and Tron: Pärand (2010).
When Kevin, Sam and Quorra board the Light Jet on the flight deck, and Quorra is making the jet lift off to escape, Kevin says to her "You got this, Quorra. It's all in the wrists." In the original TRON (1982), after Kevin has beaten the video game Space Paranoids record at the arcade, he gets asked by an unseen man "Hey Flynn, how'd you do it?". He answers "It's all in the wrists."
When Flynn's workstation is first shown, the system uptime (or screen saver runtime) is 20 years, 11 months, 20 days, 16 hours, 22 minutes, 16 seconds (and two other digits that update 15 times per second).
Neither Olivia Wilde (Quorra) nor Garrett Hedlund (Sam Flynn) was born when the original TRON (1982) was first released.
Kevin Flynn sets down a metallic polyhedron on the fireplace mantle. Later, when CLU comes in his house, he picks up this same metallic polyhedron. This is a direct homage to TRON (1982) since this is a Bit which assisted both the original CLU and Flynn.
The popular Tron (1982) arcade game (a tie-in to the original film) makes an appearance. However, the console shown is credited to the in-universe software company Encom, rather than the real creators Bally-Midway.
The song "Separate Ways (Worlds Apart)" by Journey coming on in the arcade, when Sam turned on the breakers, is ironic in more ways than one. While the song fits in some ways the relationship with his father, it is interesting to note that many of the 45rpm singles made in the early 1980s for jukeboxes of that song, featured the song "Only Solutions" (from the original Tron movie's arcade scene) as the single's B-side. It was common for record companies to put a recent, though out of date, release as the B-side of Jukebox 45s, to maximize band airplay in those machines.
A notable absence in this sequel are the tanks, but you can still see a sort of cameo by one of them on the street below after Sam is first captured and a second time in the background when he returns to the city in the vintage light cycle.
When the Sirens have finished dressing Sam, an off-screen female voice announces: "You will receive an identity disk. Everything you do or learn will be imprinted on this disk. If you lose your disk or fail to follow commands, you will be subject to immediate de-resolution.". These are the same words that in the original TRON (1982) Sark addresses to Kevin's conscript gang before their games training begins.
At Comic-Con 2010, this movie became the first film to be promoted at the annual con for three years running.
The skintight "electric" suits worn were actually fitted with embedded light strips, thus eliminating the need for any such effects modifications in post production.
In order to retro-age Jeff Bridges to a 35-year-old, the actor had to wear a special helmet fitted with 4 strategically placed cameras enabling every textural nuance of his facial expressions to be recorded for precision synthesis during digital processing.
The original TRON (1982) character of Yori does not appear in the sequel. According to online media Sci Fi Wire: "Fans have been lobbying for actor Cindy Morgan to be in the movie". There are active campaigns online, such as "Yori Lives" on Facebook, which is independent of Cindy Morgan herself. She did, however, make an appearance in character as Lora at the WonderCon viral event. It was revealed that Lora had married Alan Bradley.
The building featured as Flynn's Arcade in TRON (1982) was in reality the historic Hull Building in Culver City, California. As of 2009, when this sequel was made, the location looked very different from its appearance in the original film. So, the movie makers opted to painstakingly recreate the original interior and a portion of the exterior in Vancouver instead, with the rest of the location filled in with CGI. The exterior even includes the "Space Paranoids" billboard on the roof, but with the addition of the "TRON" logo - in-universe, TRON is an arcade game that Flynn created after the events of the first movie.
The name of the GEM character is a reference to the GEM graphical environment that ran on Atari ST machines. It was also available on the original IBM PC but never became popular with PCs, its use and development only continued on Atari machines.
Among the file seen when Sam runs a bin/history search are: ./sanity_check and vi~/last_will_and_testament.txt
According to Beau Garrett, the makeup time required for each actress playing the Sirens is between 3 to 5 hours, while removing them takes only 90 minutes. The only major difference between the suits for Sirens than the suits for other programs is that a layer of balloon rubber is added on top of the existing suits.
Michael Sheen drew inspiration from Mae West and Ziggy Stardust (a persona of singer David Bowie) for his performance.
Olivia Wilde had to do 12 fittings for her outfit as she had problems in movement and rehearsing her stunts.
Flynn's video game parlor is on "Mead Avenue". This is a reference to Syd Mead, the legendary visual designer who did much of the work on the original TRON (1982).
While holding the TRON action figure, young Kevin Flynn hums the first five notes to Wendy Carlos's theme from the original film and it is the only time it is heard.
As seen in the theatrical trailer, Sam's childhood bedroom features an original 1980s Macintosh computer, toys from the original TRON (1982), and a poster for The Black Hole (1979) (another film from the same era as TRON, and a similar Disney foray into science fiction with cutting-edge [at the time] special effects, including computer animation [see trivia for The Black Hole]). Director Joseph Kosinski's next project is a remake of The Black Hole for Disney. The film also ties into the history of the "TRON" films because originally, for the first film, Disney wanted proof that Steven Lisberger could not only direct, but proof that the back-lighting effects to have the live action characters glow worked. Disney lent Lisberger and his company props and costumes from "The Black Hole" (which had recently wrapped) to use for their test film.
Sam Flynn's apartment is built from old shipping containers; one such container is labeled "Dumont Shipping." A program called Dumont appeared in the original TRON (1982) film and resembled Dr. Walter Gibbs, who founded ENCOM in his garage.
The "Grid" as Sam Flynn wipes off the terminal in Kevin Flynn's basement shows in the command line: $whoami Flynn uname -a SolarOS 4.0.1 Generic~50203-02 sun4m i386 Unknown.Unknown $login -n root This Easter-egg states that the Grid ran on the predecessor of Solaris OS known as Sun4m which ran on the SPARC architecture, same as the SPARCstation 5 during that time period. This was the system used as the base for Flynn/Encom OS (the operating system the Grid claimed to be ran on). Sun4m was also a proprietary operating system owned by Oracle Corporation.
Sam Flynn (Garrett Hedlund) is seen wearing a stylized "89" on the back of his helmet in the motorcycle scene in the real world. This is to represent the year that Kevin Flynn disappeared and was mailed as a sticker decal to those who participated in the "Flynn Lives" viral marketing campaign in the months leading up to the film's release.
The suits the actors had to wear were extremely hot, and when the cameras were not rolling the cast would sit underneath giant yellow air conditioning tubes to cool off.
After years in "development hell", the first indication that Disney was serious about creating a sequel was the showing of a "VFX Concept Test" teaser at Comic-Con 2008. The teaser showed the updated light-cycles, and revealed Jeff Bridges as Flynn and CLU. The title revealed was "TR2N", but by the time the teaser was released (officially) online several months later, the title had been changed to "TRON: Legacy".
The motorcycle sequence that Flynn drives at the beginning of the film is a black Ducati Sport Classic 1000. There is an alternate sequence that featured a Ducati Monster which didn't make it into the initial DVD release.
All the actors' costumes used groundbreaking illuminating fabric in their costumes to create the circuit line effects in the computer world. The costume department had intended to use rechargeable batteries to power the suits, but found the design unfeasible when the rechargeable batteries would drain after only a few seconds of powering the suit. With no other option, the costumers had to resort to a more conventional method: using hundreds of AA-sized batteries. Each costume had to be rewired to fit the battery size, and the batteries would only hold a charge for a few minutes at a time before a noticeable loss in luminosity would occur from the suits. Thus, the batteries for each costume had to be refreshed for every take. When illuminated, the EL fabric would produce a massive amount of heat and would cause electric shock if it made contact with the actors' skin. Most of the actors sustained electric shocks and burns from the illuminating fabric used in their costumes over the course of the production, in particular Olivia Wilde whose costume left a large amount of her bare skin exposed.
Kevin Flynn's white lightcycle bears a striking resemblance to the original design of the lightcycle in Tron (1982) , there are slight differences though, the most noticeable is that it doesn't materialise from a baton like the classic and new lightcycles
HIDDEN MICKEY: the security camera Sam Flynn takes out in the Encom building has a striking resemblance to the Walt Disney mascot.
Unlike most of its contemporaries, this movie was filmed from the outset in 3D format, as opposed to being later converted in post production. The camera equipment used was also a generational step beyond the 3D technology used in Avatar (2009).
WILHELM SCREAM: A digitized or derezzed version of the scream can be heard as Sam Flynn (Garrett Hedlund) kills the last guard before entering the flying ship's cockpit.
Although the 2008 "TR2N" teaser trailer showed that Disney was seriously considering a sequel, the movie had not been "greenlit" at that time. According to director Joseph Kosinski and producer Sean Bailey, the teaser served two purposes: to show Disney executives what a TRON sequel might look like (before committing to a feature budget), and to gauge fan interest. If the teaser had failed to generate sufficient fan "buzz", the movie wouldn't have been made. It has also been confirmed that, as the teaser was only a "concept" film, virtually none of the teaser footage will appear in the final film.
Daft Punk were huge fans of the original film and readily agreed to be the composers. Director Joseph Kosinski said he was interviewing them about the job, he felt that he was the one being interviewed, such was their desire to make sure he preserved the spirit of the first movie.
During the disc wars, a display of the competitor's names shows one named "Cray", which is a line of real-life supercomputers founded in 1972. A Cray X-MP was shown in the original Tron, and was listed in the credits.
A partial replica of Flynn's Arcade was set up at Comic-Con 2009, complete with several Space Paranoids consoles, and other 1980s video games. A full-scale model of the new light-cycle was also displayed.
Zuse, the barkeep at the End of Line Club, is named after computer pioneer Konrad Zuse.
In addition to Walt Disney World's "Tronorail", Disney California Adventure held a night dance party entitled "ElecTRONica" in the Hollywood Pictures Backlot to promote the movie. ElecTRONica included a live DJ, Program, Server, and Siren dancers, a replica of Flynn's Arcade featuring classic games and TRON, End of Line Club where alcoholic drinks were served, performances by Laserman, and a face character named Eckert, an equal to Castor. ElecTRONica ran from October 8, 2010 to April 15, 2012.
Disney decided not to do a 3rd Tron film. But, in 2017, Disney announced that the Tron film franchise was to be rebooted and Jared Leto was rumored to star.
Amy Esterle filmed scenes as Sam Flynn's mother, though most were deleted from the final film. In an early cut of the film, Sam's mother was to have lived well into his childhood years; this plot point was changed in post-production to add emphasis to the father-son relationship between Sam and Kevin Flynn. Esterle still makes an brief appearance as an unidentified woman in a flashback sequence. The movie novelization retains the earlier concept of Sam's mother surviving and expands her backstory as to how she met Kevin Flynn and the circumstances of her death.
The name of the character 'Alan Bradley' is likely a reference/homage to the founders Allen Bradley who are the namesake of the famous brand of electronic controls. Conglomerate Rockwell International purchased Milwaukee based Allen Bradley a long time ago, and then divested many companies. Rockwell then moved its HQ to Milwaukee and is now called Rockwell Automation, but it's really (just) the Allen Bradley brand these days.
Olivia Wilde made a cameo in Daft Punk's Derezzed music video.
When Alan Bradley first meets Sam Flynn, the younger man slips out of his T-shirt to put on a clean one. Kevin Flynn does exactly the same thing when he first meets Bradley in TRON (1982).
Director Joseph Kosinski, making an ambitious directorial debut, was only 8 years old when he first saw the original TRON (1982).
Freeze-frames of the console in Flynn's hidden lab shows that the old ENCOM system is a Sun4m machine running SolarOS. Sun4m machines existed and ran SunOS (a UNIX derivative). However, in the original TRON (1982), computer modules seen were clearly part of an IBM mainframe of that era.
Castor quips "Come! Away from these primitive functions". This is a double nerd joke. First, a "function" is less than a computer program. A program typically consists of many functions, but a function is not a program on its own. So Castor - who is a program - is essentially belittling everyone around him by calling them lesser beings. Second, "primitive function" is a mathematical concept that is essential to calculus.
Before Garrett Hedlund was cast as Sam Flynn, other actors considered included Casey Affleck, Chris Pine, Ryan Gosling and Michael Stahl-David.
Disney brought in Michael Arndt and John Lasseter to provide major rewrites to the film during re-shoots when an early cut of the film proved lackluster.
In a reference to the first film, a song by the rock band Journey, "Worlds Apart (Separate Ways)", appears in the film. The songs in the first film included "Only Solutions" and "1990s Theme"
Doug TenNapel wrote a treatment for a TRON (1982) sequel called "Tron: Into the Machine".
James Frain had to shave his head and bleach his eyebrows to play Jarvis.
When Sam turns on the power in Flynn's, a jukebox starts playing "Separate Ways" by Journey. The jukebox is a Seeburg First Edition Quadraphonic with a model number of SQS160. It could hold 80 45 RPM records and played 160 songs. The jukebox was first released in 1974 and they have become a collectors item with many sites dealing in jukeboxes.
Steven Lisberger deliberately chose not to get involved in the production as he felt that the computer industry had evolved so much over the intervening 30 years that it was best that a younger team present their interpretation. He likened him and his old team coming onboard to the Clint Eastwood film Space Cowboys (2000) - old guys playing with young people's tech.
The CGI version of young Jeff Bridges is cobbled from footage of him in Against All Odds (1984) made 2 years after the original TRON (1982). This was then retrofitted onto mo-cap performance by Bridges himself and stunt double John Reardon who was his stand-in. The whole thing took approximately 2 years to complete.
Casey Affleck was in negotiations to portray Sam Flynn, before scheduling conflicts prevented a deal going any further.
Another very subtle programming joke: Castor says "[O]f all the enumerable possibilities, he had to walk into mine". Enumerations are a programming concept often used to list the options that are available in a certain situation. This contrasts the concept of "innumerable possibilities", i.e. infinite possibilities, which are impossible for a program to fathom, because computers can only deal with a finite number of possibilities. This is also a reference to Casablanca (1942) and Humphrey Bogart's famous words : " Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine".
During the first disc wars battle that Sam takes place in a character is eliminated and his body falls to the ground like pixels. After Sam throws his disc for the first time, you can see the disc wars player celebrating his win. You can also see a body at his feet that is whole and not in pieces.
Daft Punk and Olivia Wilde filmed a music video of the Derezzed music track that is featured in the End of Line club battle. In the music video, Daft Punk walk into Flynn's arcade and they play am Encom arcade game called "Derezzed". In the game, a blue video warrior engages a red video warrior play Joust. The red video warrior knocks off the blue video warrior off his horse and gets derezzed. Daft Punk loses the game and back in the game, the red video warrior removes her helmet and the red video warrior is revealed as Quorra.
A desire for a Tron sequel really grew around about 2005 when Disney finally acknowledged the original film's cult status.
During the Disk Wars Battle, various video game sound effects and bleeps can be heard throughout. Also, the sound effects can be heard when the opponents are driving up the circular ramp during the Light Cycle Match when the good program drives over an arrow. Video games play a central role in the franchise.
Garrett Hedlund beat hundreds of other actors to the part of Sam. He trained extensively when he got the part so that he could do his own stunts.
There are over 1500 visual effects in the film.
After production on the film was completed, Jeff Bridges starred in True Grit (2011), Garrett Hedlund starred in Country Song (2010) and Olivia Wilde starred in Cowboys and Aliens (2011).
Being a former architect, director Joseph Kosinski was actively involved in the construction of 12 of the film's 15 physical sets.
Olivia Wilde was later rumored to play video game icon Lara Croft in Tomb Raider (2018) but Olivia Wilde denied the rumor and Alicia Vikander was cast.
The majority of the street shots and the Ducati motor cycle chase (in the real world) were shot in Vancouver B.C.
The constant references to "end of line", like the End Of Line Club, refers to that in every computer program ever written, every line of code has one or two End Of Line characters. Without the EOL character(s), the computer would never know where one line of code ends and the next begins. And while the computer could not care any less about that, the programmer would have a big problem since the entire program would be on one very long line, hence making programs would be extremely difficult.
The first Disney movie to have a themed promotion in Playboy Magazine.
Olivia Wilde is 6 months older than Garrett Hedlund.
The film borrows plot elements from Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977) and Batman Begins (2005).
After finishing work on the film, Olivia Wilde starred in another science fiction film - Cowboys and Aliens (2011). In 2012, Disney bought George Luca's production company Lucasfilm Ltd. and Disney and Lucasfilm Ltd. produced and released Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015). Harrison Ford whom played Han Solo in the Star Wars films, played Colonel Woodrow Dolorhyde in Cowboys and Aliens (2011).
5 and 7 years after the film's release: 2 sequels to 2 other classic science fiction films from the 1970s/1980s Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015) and Blade Runner 2049 (2017) were released and both films had similar plots to TRON Legacy (2010). In Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015) Rey (Daisy Ridley) and Finn (John Boyega) are searching for Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) whom has vanished and in Blade Runner 2049 (2017) K (Ryan Gosling) is searching for Rick Deckard (Harrison Ford) whom has disappeared and not been seen in 30 years.
Steven Lisberger: producer of the film and director of the original TRON (1982) as the End of Line Club bartender.
Throughout most of the movie, Rinzler can be heard making a purring or clicking sound. This is due to his corrupted/changed data. Towards the end of the movie, when Rinzler sinks down into the water, his illuminations turn from red to white, and his purring ceases. It's at this point that Rinzler's corruption is gone and he's become TRON again.
Cillian Murphy's character Edward Dillinger II is meant to be the son of Edward Dillinger (David Warner), the primary antagonist of the first film who stole credit for creating Kevin Flynn's video games. He appears in only one scene. His uncredited appearance is meant to hint at a possible sequel.
Quorra's DNA is triple stranded.
There are three subtle hints as to Rinzler's true identity throughout the film: when Sam fights Rinzler in the disc wars, Rinzler refuses to kill him because he's human--Tron had originally been programmed to fight "for the users" in the original film; in the flashback sequence depicting Clu's coup against Flynn, when Tron fights off the guards he's seen using two identity discs; Rinzler's costume bears four red squares in a t-shape on his chest, identical to Tron's own chest emblem as seen in the first film and flashback sequences.
Sam's (Garrett Hedlund) meeting the 4 sirens just before the Grid arena was not in the script but came out during rehearsals and was choreographed into a robotic-like manner.
After CLU has collected Kevin Flynn's data disc from Castor/Zuse, his Black Guards put up bombs in the club. CLU's final words, as he leaves, are "End of line". This is in direct reference to TRON (1982) when the Master Control Program (MCP) stated this when it terminated communications with anyone "inferior" to itself.
When Sam returns to the arcade at the end of the movie, he is seen uploading data at the desk. When he takes out the memory chip, it bears a similar resemblance to the first data discs used in the first film, he then puts it over his head and uses it as a necklace to further emphasize the homage to the first data discs.
Flynn explains his son the true intention of CLU is to lure him to get his disc. When he says "the only way to win is not to play", that's a reference to 1983 "Wargames".
As part of the films marketing strategy, during 2010 one of the monorails ("Coral") at The Walt Disney World Resort was decorated with Tron: Pärand (2010) art. The art depicts a blue or orange program (depending on the side of train), and the film's logo at the front of the monorail with a beam stretching to the back of the train. For the duration of the promotion, the train is referred to within Disney as the "TRONORAIL".
Sam Flynn was born 1 year after Kevin Flynn helped Tron defeat the Master Control Program and Kevin Flynn became the new CEO of ENCOM, following Ed Dillinger's termination and imprisonment for stealing Flynn's video games.
The conclusion of the TRON story.
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