» » Her Mischievous Brother (1913)

Her Mischievous Brother (1913) Online

Her Mischievous Brother (1913) Online
Original Title :
Her Mischievous Brother
Genre :
Movie / Short / Comedy
Year :
Cast :
Herbert Rice,Martha McGraw,Paul Scardon
Type :
Rating :
Her Mischievous Brother (1913) Online

Count "No Account" borrows enough money to come to the land of heiresses and meets the "Queen of the Human Race" who is struggling along on a few paltry million dollars a year. The "Queen" falls for the Count's accent and her poor sweetheart finds himself relegated to the side lines with the rest of the substitutes. But the "Queen" has a kid brother who is a throwback to the ancestor who collected the change. The kid knows a "bunk" Count by instinct and sides with the rejected sweetheart. He helps him secrete himself in a suit of armor where he can watch the Count and the Queen say sweet nothings to each other, and incidentally make things unpleasant for his foreign rival. With the Kid's active aid, made more active by the promise of a ten dollar bill, the "No Account" Count counts for very little, especially in the police station where the last act but one is enacted. The last act shows little Herbert Rice trying to put ten pounds of candy into a two pound capacity stomach.
Cast overview:
Herbert Rice Herbert Rice - The Mischievous Little Brother
Martha McGraw Martha McGraw - The Older Sister aka The Queen
Paul Scardon Paul Scardon - Count 'No Account'
Ed Weston Ed Weston

Released as a split reel along with the comedy A Near Tragedy (1913).