The Nature Fakirs were first introduced at the Ananias House, the headquarters of the Ananias Club, from which are proceeding a number of the gentry of the club, followed by an old ... See full summary
Nature Fakirs (1907) Online

The Nature Fakirs were first introduced at the Ananias House, the headquarters of the Ananias Club, from which are proceeding a number of the gentry of the club, followed by an old professor and his assistant. Upon their entry into the group they are greeted cordially. The secretary of the club is called forth to read a series of resolutions which have been drawn up in favor of the professor, and then the professor is presented with a camera. The professor and his assistant then start for the wilderness. They have not proceeded far before they come to a barn and are interestingly examining the fauna growing on the outside of the barn. While they are in conversation as to the qualities of it, there appears upon the scene an enormous chicken-like creature termed a "Dingbat." After attracting the attention of the professor and his assistant, he goes through a series of hornpipe dances, in which the onlookers join. It is too important a matter to let such an interesting occasion pass, ...