» » Action Figures in Action

Action Figures in Action Online

Action Figures in Action  Online
Original Title :
Action Figures in Action
Genre :
TV Series / Adventure
Cast :
Katie Aubin,Ezra Edmond,Nick Gligor
Type :
TV Series
Rating :
Action Figures in Action Online

The greatest heroes in the toy universe have been assembled for their most epic mission yet: hanging around the house and having fun. But wherever Freddy4Action, Goddess Girl, Princess Mermaid, Ponycorn, and Optimal Alpha get together, their #1 Action figure nemesis, Lord Voldermader, is sure to follow with trouble in his wake.
Credited cast:
Katie Aubin Katie Aubin - Princess Mermaid
Ezra Edmond Ezra Edmond - Freddy4Action
Nick Gligor Nick Gligor - Dark Voldermader
James Drew Hamilton James Drew Hamilton - Little Friendship Ponycorn
Alexander L. Hoffman Alexander L. Hoffman - Henchminis
Bobby Ramos Bobby Ramos - Optimal Alpha
Matt Schneck Matt Schneck - Goddess Girl