» » Renovation Realities The Sibons Job (2007–2016)

Renovation Realities The Sibons Job (2007–2016) Online

Renovation Realities The Sibons Job (2007–2016) Online
Original Title :
The Sibons Job
Genre :
TV Episode / Reality TV
Year :
Directror :
Keith Byrd
Type :
TV Episode
Time :
Rating :
Renovation Realities The Sibons Job (2007–2016) Online

Mark Sibons, along with help from his best friend Jerry, is renovating the tiny kitchen in his Orlando home. The friends plan to expand the space by moving walls and redesigning the entire layout. But Mark and Jerry quickly hit time-consuming snags that force the friends into working multiple 20-plus hour days. Sleep deprivation and fatigue end up creating more problems for Mark and Jerry than the renovation itself.