The opening of this very amusing picture brings into view a typical kitchen scene. A young lady can be seen busy with her household duties when in comes her admirer, who immediately starts ... See full summary
The Lovers, Coal Box, and Fireplace (1901) Online

The opening of this very amusing picture brings into view a typical kitchen scene. A young lady can be seen busy with her household duties when in comes her admirer, who immediately starts in with a little osculation, at the same time embracing our heroine in a most affectionate manner. While thus engaged a knock at the door compels the lover to seek a place of safety, which he does by secreting himself in the coal-box. A coal man then enters, and going over the coal-box proceeds to empty a bag of coal on our hero, who of course, is compelled to remain silent for fear of discovery. No sooner has he departed when the young lady opens the box and her gallant lover emerges as black as coal. He is no sooner through with this ordeal when he is again forced to seek another place of safety, which he eventually does by climbing in the chimney. Papa then enters on the scene, and, finding it cold, commences to build a fire in the grate where Johnny is hidden. Our hero stands the smoke and heat ...