» » Следствие ведет Да Винчи Shoulda Been a Priest (1998–2006)

Следствие ведет Да Винчи Shoulda Been a Priest (1998–2006) Online

Следствие ведет Да Винчи Shoulda Been a Priest (1998–2006) Online
Original Title :
Shoulda Been a Priest
Genre :
TV Episode / Crime / Mystery / Drama
Year :
Directror :
John Fawcett
Cast :
Nicholas Campbell,Suleka Mathew,Gerard Plunkett
Writer :
Chris Haddock,Alan DiFiore
Type :
TV Episode
Time :
Rating :
Следствие ведет Да Винчи Shoulda Been a Priest (1998–2006) Online

A young John Doe is found dead in a locked boxcar in the railroad yard. Da Vinci accuses the railroad security guard of purposely locking him in the boxcar, an accusation the security guard does not take too kindly. Da Vinci's words have a greater impact than he could ever have imagined. With the John Doe's notebook in hand, Helen tries to determine who this young man was. If she can't, he will be ultimately be buried in a pauper's funeral. Da Vinci's second case is that of Roger Wilford, a jumper off the Burrard Street Bridge, Wilford's dead body which is fished out of English Bay. Leary and Shannon locate Eric, the man who was reported on the bridge with Wilford when he jumped. From Eric, they learn of Wilford's story before his death. Wilford's death ultimately hits Eric a little harder than he lets on. Back at the morgue, Patricia is doing the autopsy on Queenie King for her class, when she notices bruising on her wrists and ankles made by restraints. Queenie's death is now a ...
Episode cast overview, first billed only:
Nicholas Campbell Nicholas Campbell - Dominic Da Vinci
Suleka Mathew Suleka Mathew - Dr. Sunny Ramen
Gerard Plunkett Gerard Plunkett - Chief Coroner Bob Kelly (credit only)
Sarah-Jane Redmond Sarah-Jane Redmond - Sgt. Sheila Kurtz (credit only)
Donnelly Rhodes Donnelly Rhodes - Det. Leo Shannon
Venus Terzo Venus Terzo - Det. Angela Kosmo
Ian Tracey Ian Tracey - Det. Mick Leary
Gwynyth Walsh Gwynyth Walsh - Dr. Patricia Da Vinci
Adrien Dorval Adrien Dorval - Rail Yard Employee (as P. Adrien Dorval)
Zak Santiago Zak Santiago - Irish Billy Mulvaney (as Zak Santiago Alam)
Jenn Griffin Jenn Griffin - Rae
Emily Perkins Emily Perkins - Sue Lewis
John Shaw John Shaw - Alex Mills
Donny Lucas Donny Lucas - Eric
Joy Coghill Joy Coghill - Portia Da Vinci

The episode titles for this series come from quotes from the characters in the episode. This episode: 24 minutes into the show: Leo to Mick walking away from car: "You know that thing we talked about the other day? The Charlie Josephs thing? I shouldn't have said anything about that; I should have been a priest on that!"