» » Evergreen

Evergreen Online

Evergreen  Online
Original Title :
Genre :
TV Series / Drama / Family / Romance
Cast :
Lesley Ann Warren,Armand Assante,Ian McShane
Type :
TV Series
Time :
Rating :
Evergreen Online

Based on the novel by Belva Plain, covering a time span from 1909 to 1959. The story begins in New York's Lower East Side with the arrival of Polish-Jewish immigrant Anna (Lesley Ann Warren). At first employed as a humble seamstress, Anna is whisked into a whole new world when she becomes the wife of the enterprising Joseph Friedman (Armand Assante), who eventually becomes a wealthy Westchester contractor. Even so, Anna's heart belongs to Paul Lerner (Ian McShane), the son of the prosperous Fifth Avenue family which employs her relatives. In 1918, Anna gives birth to Paul's daughter, allowing Joseph to believe that he is the father. The secret surrounding Anna's child will lead to a daunting and frequently heartbreaking chain of events, culminating decades later in the newly formed state of Israel, where Anna's grandson Eric hopes to "find himself" -- and ends up finding more than he bargained for.
Series cast summary:
Lesley Ann Warren Lesley Ann Warren - Anna Friedman 3 episodes, 1985
Armand Assante Armand Assante - Joseph Friedman 3 episodes, 1985
Ian McShane Ian McShane - Paul Lerner 3 episodes, 1985
Betty Buckley Betty Buckley - Mrs. Bradford 3 episodes, 1985
Brian Dennehy Brian Dennehy - Matthew Malone 3 episodes, 1985
Robert Vaughn Robert Vaughn - John Bradford 3 episodes, 1985
Katherine Borowitz Katherine Borowitz - Ruth 3 episodes, 1985
Clare Coulter Clare Coulter - Mary Malone 3 episodes, 1985
Joan Allen Joan Allen - Iris Friedman 2 episodes, 1985
Boyd Gaines Boyd Gaines - Chris Bradford 2 episodes, 1985
Barbara Montgomery Barbara Montgomery - Celeste 2 episodes, 1985
Glynis Davies Glynis Davies - Marion 2 episodes, 1985
Jan Tríska Jan Tríska - Dr. Theo Stoller 2 episodes, 1985
Sarah Rose Sarah Rose - Young Iris 2 episodes, 1985
Jackie Burroughs Jackie Burroughs - Dorothy 2 episodes, 1985
Benjamin Bernouy Benjamin Bernouy - Young Eric (ages 9 to 13) 2 episodes, 1985
Marnie Walsh Marnie Walsh - Ellen 2 episodes, 1985

User reviews



Marvelous recounting of this wonderful heartbreaking story in a television movie.

Armand Assante is absolutely magnificent in the role of an Orthodox Jewish man, Joseph Friedman. Kudos to the people who worked with him in depicting such orthodoxy. Equally good is Lesley Ann Warren as his long-suffering wife.

The film deals with the Friedmans life in America. They suffer 2 tragedies that no family should ever be made to bear. In addition, Mrs. Friedman (Warren) harbors a secret too outrageous to mention in an orthodox community.

A definite story of the human spirit, intermarriage when the orthodox are affected, and adversity beyond human belief. Truly outstanding and fabulously done. This film should be shown again.


This film is a classic, and hard to obtain. I would recommend viewing to anyone who likes good movies. I hope that it will soon become available for viewing once again. The characters are wonderful, the story line is one that makes you appreciate the writer. All the actors are marvelous in their roles. This movie is a treasure.


I saw Evergreen on TV one time about ten years ago and never forgot it. I have been looking for it everywhere so I can buy it. It is beautifully written, beautifully photographed, and amazingly acted out. Get your coffee or tea, something to eat, and settle in. It takes you to another place and time...especially considering it is now 2005 and rare for a movie to tell a thoroughly moving story that remains consistent and true to itself.

This is a movie worth giving to someone who loves romance. It is worth giving to yourself. I am glad I have finally found someplace to get Evergreen. It is a treasure and worth every minute you spend watching it. Hopefully, one day, it will be re-run here in the United States so others may discover it.
The Rollers of Vildar

The Rollers of Vildar

Hi, I'm June, English born (Liverpool) living in Copenhagen Denmark. I happened to pick up the video Evergreen, when I saw it included Ian Mcshane. I had already fallen in love with him during his series Lovejoy. Evergreen was a great story, and kept me on the edge of my seat. Ian was at his most handsome, and played the part so well. As mini series go, I feel that this is the best I have seen. It has also been aired on Danish television, when I made sure I could see it again, and introduced some new fans to the Wonderful Ian Mcshane. Lovejoy is at present being shown here in Denmark, and never miss an episode.This brought back memories of the most enjoyable Evergreen, and would love to find a copy of it. Kind Regards.


I have never seen a better movie than Evergreen. I would love to purchase it on VHS or DVD. It will always be my all time favorite. If anyone can help me to purchase it, please let me know. I have exhausted all possibilities of which I am aware. This is such a love story with tragedies and a wonderful ending.


Sincerely agree with the person from Australia.

The story is beautifully acted and so much real emotions shown. The actors and actresses; newcomers should be very proud of themselves. Needs to be shown again. Soon..!!!!


Hello this is NYSunrise.

I for one have seen but only once this movie, and it is now that am wondering where I could get it on VHS but because in DVD is not going to be available. Only it must be American Version and not England Version.

Why I say American version, because once I bought a VHS from a friend in London and their VHS setting was way different from ours. Thank God I had a friend who knew a friend that could make me a copy and change the setting of the movie so it could be seen and transfer it to a DVD still even though I was happy for the gesture, this cost me $75.00 and I was happy but wow I end up pay $145.00 for this movie.

Still I would want to know where if anyone knows, where I could buy this movie. Is a movie that no matter what, it is worth to buy. Its an amazing movie with an incredible ending that would make you cry with happiness. I totally love it.

If anyone has any information in where I could buy this movie please don't hesitate to send me an email at nysunrise40@yahoo.com Thanks for anything anyone can do.



I loved Evergreen. Enjoyed the story line and much work went into choosing the actors for the characters they played. There were quite a few new faces at the time Evergreen was made who went on to make bigger and better movies. Ian McShane was one. He is so handsome and one look from him, makes you melt. A very versatile actor. Armand Assante played a brilliant part as Joseph Friedman with such powerful acting and Lesley Ann Warren also as a relatively newcomer to the screen. I wish they would replay this mini series in Australia again. It has been too long.


Lesley Ann Warren comes to America, after losing her Polish-Jewish parents. She meets Jewish working-man Armand Assante who works as a painter but is looking to start his own business. She finds a position as a maid in a prominent man's (Ian McShane) household. But soon they start to have feelings for each other, that is, until he abruptly marries a socialite. Heartbroken, she marries Armand and they have a child. Suh begins the story of "Evergreen," based on the novel by Belva Plain. This was shown in 1985 in three parts and that's how I watched it. Part I seemed to be rather slow with more talking than action. But Part II picks up the plot. Armand tries to stay faithful to his heritage while raising children and Lesley still longs for the rich man. But other characters add to it - Ron Rifkin who needs money desperately from Armand and Brian Dennehy as a coworker of Armand's. Lesley and Armand's children grow up with their own minds, fighting against their father's beliefs. But "Evergreen" exemplifies a hope, a dream that one's faith is stronger than anything life brings you. All of the stars were good, and, as the whole production progressed, the emotional ties were stronger and the people become more and more real to the viewer. This TV- movie, which comes full circle in the end, had more understated passion and longing than I've ever seen in a while. "Evergreen" is a rare TV-movie, forgotten by many, loved by a few.


I just found out today that there was a miniseries of Evergreen that aired on NBC back in 1985. If I had known that I would have taped it. Belva Plain is my favorite author and I have read Evergreen about 5 times and several of her other books. I would love to see the miniseries and I have checked online for a VHS copy and can't find one. I don't know of any off brand store that sells old or used videos If anyone out there knows how I can get a copy of the VHS, or if anyone happened to tape the miniseries back in 1985, I would appreciate it if you would contact me and let me know how I can get a copy from you. Thank you.


Having borrowed a VHS from a friend I found it an absolute delight to watch. I have tried various stores to get a copy and I have failed. I'm wondering if someone, somewhere knows where I can purchase a copy on either VHS or DVD. Thank You. I will be willing to use an internet purchase, even if its a good second hand copy I will be willing to purchase it. The film I am seeking starred Ian Mcshane, in the part of Paul Lerner. It was a wonderful love story which I would dearly love to own. I'm hoping that someone, somewhere would be able to help and end my search. I really am surprised that this film is not readily available in the shops, when films & series made in the Forties can be obtained without too much searching.


I wish to buy the film "Evergreen" for my mother for her birthday but am unable to find if anybody can help me it would be much appreciated my mother loved the film.

I have not seen the film as yet but it does sound fantastic.

My mother said it was on of the best film she has seen and more movies should follow suit.

My mother has been asking me to chase this film for a long time she did have it on VHS but her children taped over it and she was not happy as it was one of her favorite movies.

Thank You