» » Axis of Evil (2010)

Axis of Evil (2010) Online

Axis of Evil (2010) Online
Original Title :
Axis of Evil
Genre :
Movie / Short / Comedy / Drama
Year :
Directror :
Anouar H. Smaine
Cast :
Sammy Sheik,Anouar H. Smaine,Marty Hrejsa
Writer :
Mohamed Hadj Smaïn,Anouar H. Smaine
Budget :
Type :
Time :
Rating :

Two illegal immigrants struggle to survive LA's tough economic times. Their landlord threatens to report them to immigration if they don't pay him rent. Trapped, they resort to desperate measures to meet the deadline set by their landlord.

Axis of Evil (2010) Online

Hossam and Djamel are two illegal immigrants. Hossam,a convenience store clerk, is always harassed by a friendly "Enlightened Bum" for free food. The two are friends, but one of them depends on the other for survival. The bum sees LA where he's lived all his life as a Living Hell, whereas Hossam sees it as a magic place where opportunities are everywhere you look. On the other hand, Hossam's roommate Djamel has been unemployed for quite sometime and also depends on him for survival. Things get complicated when Hossam loses his job, putting him and Djamel three months behind on rent. Threatened by Ron, their landlord, Hossam and Djamel become desperate to find work. But as times runs out, hope is defeated by despair, and the two illegals resort to desperate measures to raise cash.
Credited cast:
Sammy Sheik Sammy Sheik - Djamal
Anouar H. Smaine Anouar H. Smaine - Hossam
Marty Hrejsa Marty Hrejsa - Ron
Michael London Michael London - Enlightened Bum
Olivier Ripley Olivier Ripley - Restaurant Manager (as Olivier Rippoll)
Ashley Karp Ashley Karp - Suspecting customer
Kevin Nelson Kevin Nelson - Hossam's Store friend
Tony Grande Tony Grande - Faysal
Bernhard Iten Bernhard Iten - Male Customer
Rest of cast listed alphabetically:
Lina H. Smaine Lina H. Smaine - Faiza