» » Filmnut James Gunn (2007– )

Filmnut James Gunn (2007– ) Online

Filmnut James Gunn (2007– ) Online
Original Title :
James Gunn
Genre :
TV Episode / Talk Show
Year :
Directror :
Brian Gramo
Cast :
Brian Gramo,James Gunn,Terra Naomi
Writer :
Jeff Schubert
Type :
TV Episode
Time :
Rating :
Filmnut James Gunn (2007– ) Online

Writer/ Director James Gunn (Slither, Dawn of the Dead) was the perfect guest to celebrate the two year anniversary of Filmnut with. Like my first interview with James, he was fun and informative. Making the most of new media opportunities he has a variety of new projects going on that we covered.
Episode credited cast:
Brian Gramo Brian Gramo - Himself- Operator
James Gunn James Gunn - Himself
Terra Naomi Terra Naomi - Herself
Jeff Schubert Jeff Schubert - Himself - Host