A mother and her two children, a son and daughter, are enjoying the pleasures derived from porch and lawn. Hilda's sweetheart, a military captain, enters and is bidden to get a spade, and ... See full summary
Romany Rob's Revenge (1910) Online

A mother and her two children, a son and daughter, are enjoying the pleasures derived from porch and lawn. Hilda's sweetheart, a military captain, enters and is bidden to get a spade, and join the son in fixing the garden. While he is fulfilling the mission, the family is approached by a brawny gypsy, who asks alms, and when refused becomes violent. The Captain sees him and finally succeeds in making the gypsy go, not without gaining the latter's hatred, however. He awaits an opportunity, when the others have entered the house and the young child is playing outside, to carry him off. To mislead any followers, he takes off the boy's shoes and stockings, puts them on a river bank and throws his cap in the water. A country boy has watched these proceedings and later, when the boy is being looked for, tells the Captain of the subterfuge. The gypsy takes the boy to his camp and puts him in a tent. The Captain and country youth have followed to watch, then the Captain leaves. He goes to his...
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