John is a hard working fellow and a good provider tor his wife and family. Bill is kissing his wife and children good-bye and leaves tor the factory where he is employed. Here some ... See full summary
The Right to Labor (1909) Online

John is a hard working fellow and a good provider tor his wife and family. Bill is kissing his wife and children good-bye and leaves tor the factory where he is employed. Here some excellent views are introduced of a steel making plant with John at his work. It is lunch time. The workingmen sit or stand around, many listening to the speech of an agitator who tries to persuade the workingmen to ask for higher wages. Returned to their work the unruly spirit of some of the workingmen begins to work and soon a resolution is passed demanding higher wages John is approached to sign the resolution, but he refuses to do so. A delegation of workingmen waits on the general manager. He promises consideration of their demand. After a while he sends the following note to the leader: "On account of the general depression in business, we regret not to be aide to grant your demand for higher wages. If business improves we will be glad to consider your request, S. Holmes, General Manager." The ...
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