» » Mut zur Liebe (1996)

Mut zur Liebe (1996) Online

Mut zur Liebe (1996) Online
Original Title :
Correre contro
Genre :
Movie / Drama
Year :
Directror :
Antonio Tibaldi
Cast :
Stefano Dionisi,Stefania Rocca,Massimo Bellinzoni
Writer :
Nino Bizzarri,Guglielmo Enea
Type :
Time :
1h 33min
Rating :
Mut zur Liebe (1996) Online

Correre contro is the story of a friendship between Pablo and Daniele. Pablo is a paraplegic who works at a rehabilitation center with more seriously injured patients. Daniele is sent there to do community service because he is a conscientious objector. At first they don't get along but a friendship develops that is soon threatened by their mutual interest in a singer.
Credited cast:
Stefano Dionisi Stefano Dionisi - Pablo
Stefania Rocca Stefania Rocca - Chiara
Massimo Bellinzoni Massimo Bellinzoni - Daniele
Pierfrancesco Favino Pierfrancesco Favino - Giacomo
Rest of cast listed alphabetically:
Damiano Capocitti Damiano Capocitti
Mauro Marino Mauro Marino
Giorgio Tirabassi Giorgio Tirabassi

User reviews



Subtle look at the fears we each carry around, about putting our hearts on the table.

All the actors do fine and well-shaded work here, but the movie is sustained by a magnetic and utterly convincing performance from Stefano Dionisi in the lead role (Pablo), a paraplegic with a chip on his shoulder. Tibaldi has created a character who is alternately caring, sympathetic, judgmental, touchy, proud and plain annoying--and Dionisi carries it off without a false note anywhere.

A couple reviews have said this isn't a film about the disabled, and the rehab center is only the setting. True enough, as far as it goes. But that's a bit like saying "Smoke Signals" was a film about fathers and sons and not about Indians or rez life. Certainly it was a film about Indians! But paradoxically, universality lies in particularity. Correre Contro (Running Against) is a film about a disabled man who shares the same fears as the rest of us, but his experience of them is shaped by living in a wheelchair. The real point, I think, is that this isn't a silly film full of histrionics and spelled-out morals.

If the film has a fault, it's probably the camera-work. Sometimes the shots were clever and startling, sometimes just startling. In a couple places, the camera work actually kicked me out of the "world" of the movie. At that point, it's getting in the way. But overall, a small complaint.

It's a real shame this film by Tibaldi hasn't been picked up for US distribution.