» » Pennant Chase

Pennant Chase Online

Pennant Chase  Online
Original Title :
Pennant Chase
Genre :
TV Series / Sport
Cast :
Warner Fusselle,Bob Galerstein
Type :
TV Series
Time :
Rating :
Pennant Chase Online

Credited cast:
Warner Fusselle Warner Fusselle - Host
Bob Galerstein Bob Galerstein - Host

User reviews



FOR THE FAN it was a convenient way to keep track on all that was happening all throughout the Major Leagues outside of your immediate team's sphere of influence. For Major League Baseball it was a sort of self-serving and inexpensive (even profitable) manner in which to get your "product" out into the public arena.

BEING THAT THIS was a syndicated program, it was subject to playing at different times in the various markets and even on different days. It does seem that, according to the folks with whom we have conversed from a variety of locales, that it most often was viewed on Saturdays in the late morning or early afternoon. The time necessary to put so many hours of Baseball video together into a concise, informative and entertaining half an hour would dictate that it be shown on the last day of the week.

SO IT WAS that we had this mini-newsreel of a program that capsulized everything for us. Who did what to who and what players were "hot" were mere sidebars top the main event of the show. And what was that, you ask Schultz?

WHY IT'S THE Pennant Races, of course! The title tells all.