The Mekong River is one of the most diverse ecosystems in the world, supporting more than 160 million people from over a hundred different ethnic groups, all dependent on this vast waterway... See full summary
Mekong Catfish (2007) Online

The Mekong River is one of the most diverse ecosystems in the world, supporting more than 160 million people from over a hundred different ethnic groups, all dependent on this vast waterway for their daily sustenance and livelihood. There are over twelve hundred different fish species in the Mekong and its' tributaries...and chief among them is the Giant Catfish or Pla Buek. A fish as large as a grizzly bear, a single Pla Buek can weigh in at more than 600 pounds and grow to more than 3 meters in length. This gentle giant has been a focal point in the lives of Mekong fishermen for centuries. Mekong people believe it's a sacred fish because it persists on plant matter and 'meditates' [in the deep, stony pools of the Mekong River]-somewhat like a Buddhist monk. The fish attracts high prices in Thailand, because eating it is supposed to bring good luck. Chinese believe the meat boosts intelligence and prolongs life. The Pla Buek is on the path to extinction and has recently been listed ...