A cat observes the wonders of the deep from inside a bottle. Eventually, he finds sunken treasure.
Wonders of the Deep (1920) Online

A cat observes the wonders of the deep from inside a bottle connected to a hose and a funnel in order to provide him with air. Under the sea he observes catfish that look much like him; a cowfish, complete with udders; a seahorse being ridden by a frog; a frog band; and a dogfish with tiny fish as fleas. There's a fish hospital with a fish on crutches, a fish in a wheelchair and a fish (with a hook still in its mouth) being carried out on a stretcher. The cat sees automobile-like fish with wheels, a roller-skating fish, and a harried mother fish pushing her children in a baby carriage. Two fish are sweating hard, even underwater, as they compete in a dance marathon. Finally, a swordfish punctures the cat's bottle, forcing him back to the top. Once on land, the cat goes fishing, using his tail and a piece of rope as a fishing pole. His bait is a seductive worm who entices a fish onto the hook. The cat pulls the fish up and grabs it, but the fish escapes. A bigger fish bites the cat's ...
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